Your Guide to Identifying a Techbro

<p>Techbros are everywhere, or it so it seems. They’re the forefront of
the new wave of capitalism, the creators of new ideas, new technologies and new
revenue streams. They’re often remarkable individuals.</p><p>However, they’re also often insufferable.</p><p>The Techbro</p><p>For those of you not in the know, here’s the leading definition on <a href="">Urban Dictionary</a>
of the term “techbro”: "techbro – a guy who works in the tech
field, often but not always lacking in social skills, sometimes focused on
career to the exclusion of female companions.</p><p>Usage – All these techbro's are
driving up the rent for the rest of us, living in SF and taking shuttles to Silicon
Valley.</p><p>by neoluddit March 20, 2013"</p><p>Tech bros are the sort of people who end up getting roasted on <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">Twitter</a>
(X, or whatever it’s called), for posts like this:</p><blockquote><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I work for a startup. I need to go to JFK.Rideshare prices are nuts.So I took the train for $12.Conserve your capital. <a href=""></a></p>— Graham (@Shenanigrahams) <a href="">June 16, 2023</a></blockquote><p>
Yes, this is a grown man, presumably one with enough sense to make a relatively
large income, honestly advocating taking a train as opposed to a ride share.
And then he palms it off as some sort of incredible financial insight that we
should all be grateful for. Thankfully, he’s being mocked. While Twitter is
apparently <a href="">the
fount of all disinformation</a> – a slight exaggeration – I think they’ve got
this one just right.</p><p>The Techbro Top Five</p><p>In any case, here’s our techbro top five, how many do you tick?</p><p>1.
Do you use bro speak?</p><p>We’ve covered it above. Please, for the
love of all that is holy, stop saying things like “conserve your capital”
outside of environments in which you are genuinely giving insightful financial
advice to people who have asked for it. And stop saying that you work for a
<a href="">fintech</a>/<a href="">startup</a> with five seconds of meeting everyone, ala our Tweeter.</p><p>2.
Do you enjoy T parties? </p><p>No, we’re not talking about the <a href="">right wing American
political movement</a> (don’t worry, that link is safe to follow). Get ready
for this one. <a href="">T
parties</a> are where men get together to … measure their testosterone. But why?
OK, <a href="">one in four
men might suffer from low testosterone</a>, but we’re, and we’re making a leap
here, going to say that it has more to do with showing off and generally
embracing bro culture, than any real medical concern. However, during these T
parties, men gather together to discuss ways to enhance their testosterone
levels and often take blood tests in order to discover their current values. </p><p>All very odd. Sounds like
something best left to the doctor’s office.</p><p>3.
Do you own a branded Patagonia vest?</p><p>Well. It’s a simple question.
Patagonia vests were long a staple of the finance sector’s up and comers, the
go-getters, the kind of people who can’t stop saying “startup”. But, sadly, the
<a href="">company
stopped co-branding with companies</a> a long time ago. Disaster. But wait!
There’s news! <a href="">Patagonia
is now open to limited branding again</a>! How exciting. Get writing that
Do you own, and incessantly talk about, both
NFTs and crypto?</p><p>OK, owning crypto isn’t the issue.
Owning both <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">NFTs</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">crypto</a> and always talking about them, is the issue. <a href="">This
article</a> highlights the issue beautifully. If you ever find yourself
uttering the sentence “… and I
minted two NFT bananas last week and then resold them for 5x the next day”
stop. Take a breath and think about life. Especially if you actually used the
term “5x” in a sentence. Crypto is all well and good, and so are certain NFTs
– though tread very warily – but you don’t
have to sound like you’re in a cult.</p><p>5.
Do you have a side hustle?</p><p>Tech bros very often have a
side hustle. A project they’re running alongside their full-time job. By day
they’re a high-level consultant with a world-renowned firm, by night they’re
launching the platform that will revolutionize industry X. Tell-tale signs are
dropping mention of their new app that’s currently in beta. Sound familiar?</p><p>Anyway, there’s our guide. Take a read, look in the mirror. Take off
the turtleneck and/or vest.</p><p>Tech bros are, no doubt, often at the head of truly incredible
innovations, and some of them might even change the world for the better and in
ways we can’t imagine.</p><p>But, take a breath, ease up on us normies.</p>

This article was written by Louis Parks at

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