What Impact Does ChatGPT Have on the B2B Industry?

<p>Generative AI is all the rage, with an astonishing pace of change and far-reaching implications in the financial services space. Join a wide range of forward-thinking executives at the upcoming Finance Magnates London Summit (FMLS), as they address the topic of AI head on and cut through the hype.</p><p>Now in its eleventh year, FMLS always manages to attract the largest brands, names, leaders, and more. All of these specialists will be gathering under one room on November 20-22 at Old Billingsgate for the biggest event of the Fall. Among the countless topics to be discussed will be the advent of ChatGPT and generative AI. </p><p>Attendees can expect to get a complete sense of how AI can, and cannot, help brokers and providers. This perspective will be covered over the event’s two full days of content, which includes panel discussions, workshops, seminars, fireside chats, and much more. </p><p>Prospective attendees can explore the full FMLS:23 agenda, <a href="https://events.financemagnates.com/fmls23/agenda/" target="_blank" rel="follow">which is already live</a>.</p><p>AI Upending the Status Quo at FMLS:23</p><p>2023 has been the year of AI, with this construct shifting from buzzword to ubiquitous, seemingly overnight. This year's event promises to be a key opportunity for attendees to hear from the industry’s best and brightest as they chart a course towards an uncertain future, one that is increasingly dictated by AI. </p><p>During a year where anything can happen, FMLS:23 is one event you cannot afford to miss. If you have not already done so, prospective attendees can <a href="https://events.financemagnates.com/fmls23/register/" target="_blank" rel="follow">reserve their seat today and register</a> to the biggest event of the Fall. </p><p>What to Expect at FMLS:23 this November</p><p>FMLS:23 will start off with its highly anticipated <a href="https://www.financemagnates.com/fm-events/fmls23-networking-blitz-opening-party-are-you-ready/" target="_blank" rel="follow">Networking Blitz Opening Party</a>, a premier networking event with a twist. This year’s Blitz will take place at a new venue, The Folly. Sponsored by ZuluTrade, the evening of entertainment and opportunities will set the stage for a productive next two days of a jam-packed content track. </p><p>The Blitz will set the stage for FMLS:23’s curated content track, covering a total of four industry verticals. This includes the online trading space, as well as fintech, payments, and blockchain &amp; digital assets.</p><p>Particular emphasis will be made towards the rise of AI and ChatGPT. Together with our expert panelists, FMLS:23 which integrations firms should explore to attract clients and bolster efficiency. This also includes an emphasis on the elephant in the room, i.e. how regulators view AI-generated trading advice, and whether brokers should offer such tools.</p><p>Experts will also grapple the grounds for AI indices and assets and which ones that traders favor the most. Finally, the event will look to touch on whether companies should be hiring prompt engineers and what role these individuals should be performing.</p><p>By fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, FMLS:23 will aim to play a pivotal role in helping the financial industry respond effectively to arrival and proliferation of AI. </p><p>See you in London this Fall!</p>

This article was written by Jeff Patterson at www.financemagnates.com.

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