US wholesale inventories advanced for May -0.1% vs. -0.3% last month (revised from -0.1%)

<ul><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">Prior month </a>wholesale inventories -0.1% revised to -0.3%</li><li>wholesale inventories for May -0.1% versus -0.3% last month revised. This figure is up 3.6% compared to May 2022.</li><li>Advance retail inventories for May were estimated at $778.7 billion, indicating a 0.8% increase from April 2023.</li><li>Retail inventories increased by 7.0% compared to May 2022.</li><li>The change in retail inventories from March to April 2023 was revised from a 0.1% increase to a 0.3% increase.</li><li>Retail inventories EX auto for May 0.0% versus -0.3% last month (revised from -0.2%)</li></ul><p>Inventory data feeds into GDP.. The Atlanta Fed GDPNow latest estimate will be released later today . Yesterday it showed a expected gain of 1.8%. A decline wholesale inventories is a negative. However retail inventories were stronger. Mixed overall. </p><p><a href="file:/C%3A/Users/Gregm/Dropbox/My%20PC%20(DESKTOP-DHI1A3S)/Downloads/advance_report%20(8).pdf" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">CLICK HERE</a> for the full report</p>

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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