US October retail sales -0.1% vs -0.3% expected

<ul><li>Prior was +0.7% (revised to +0.9%)</li></ul><p>Details:</p><ul><li>Retail sales m/m -0.1% versus -0.3% expected</li><li>Ex-autos +0.1% versus 0.0% expected. </li><li>Prior ex-autos +0.6% </li><li>Control group +0.2% versus 0.2% expected.</li><li>Prior control group +0.6% (revised to +0.7%)</li><li>Retail sales ex gas and autos +0.1% vs +0.6% prior </li></ul><p>Coming into this report, sales were up 5 months in a row. The slight dip this week is hardly anything to get excited about while the control group was in-line with estimates. There has been some US dollar buying in the aftermath of this report and a solid Empire Fed. Treasury yields are also bumping higher with US 10s knocking on the door of 4.50%</p>

This article was written by Adam Button at

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