US news – Volkswagen announced an 11% salary hike for production workers

<p>ICYMI -&nbsp;Volkswagen will hike salaries for production workers at its US Tennessee-based Chattanooga assembly plant by 11%.</p><p>The move comes in the wake of the United Auto Workers union hammering out deals for&nbsp;significant pay and benefit hikes from the Detroit Three automakers.
</p><p>Other non-union automakers in the US have since come under increased pressure to improve pay and benefits.</p><p>Honda and Toyota have raised wages for non-union U.S. factory workers, as has Hyundai.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><figure data-media-><img src="" alt="Auto workers strike" wrapper-="wrapper-" data-src="" /></figure><p>The news hit just prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. and points to&nbsp;inflation in the US may taking longer to come to target.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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