US major indices give up most of the day's gains and closes near(er) lows

<p>US major indices gave up most of their gains and closed near(er) the lows for the day. There was a spike at the open on the back of the CPI data, but rates started to move higher with the 2-year now up 4.6 basis points, the 10-year up 9.9 basis points, and the 30-year up 8.5 basis points after a sloppy auction that had a 1.4 basis point tail and average demand. </p><p>The final numbers are showing:</p><ul><li>Dow industrial average up 52.79 points or 0.15% at 35176.14. At the highs the index was up 455.21 points.</li><li>S&amp;P index up 1.14 points or 0.03% at 4468.84. At the highs the index is up 59.67 points</li><li>NASDAQ index up 15.96 points or 0.12% at 13737.98. At the highs the index was up 225.15 points</li></ul>

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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