Unregistered NFT Offering: SEC Charges Stoner Cats, Fines $1 Million

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced that Stoner Cats 2 LLC
(SC2) is facing charges for conducting an unregistered offering of crypto asset
securities in the form of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The tokens were sold to
raise funds for an animated web series titled Stoner Cats. The
SEC's order revealed that this NFT offering raised approximately $8 million
from investors.</p><p>Marketing Emphasis on NFT
Ownership Benefits</p><p>On
July 27, 2021, SC2 offered and sold over 10,000 NFTs, each priced at around
$800, which sold out in a mere 35 minutes. SC2's marketing campaign emphasized
the benefits of owning these NFTs, including the option for owners to resell
them on the secondary market. </p><p>The
campaign also highlighted the team's expertise as Hollywood producers, their
knowledge of crypto projects, and the involvement of well-known actors in the
web series. These factors led investors to believe that they could profit from
the NFTs in the secondary market if the web series succeeded.</p><p>SC2
configured the Stoner Cats NFTs to provide the company with royalties of 2.5 percent for each secondary market transaction involving these tokens. This
royalty structure encouraged individuals to buy and sell the <a href="https://www.financemagnates.com/tag/nfts/">NFTs</a>, resulting in over $20 million
being spent in more than 10,000 transactions.</p><p>SC2's Agreement to
Cease-and-Desist Order and Civil Penalty</p><p>The
SEC's order determined that SC2's actions violated the Securities Act of 1933,
as they offered and sold crypto asset securities to the public in an
unregistered offering that did not qualify for an exemption from registration.</p><p>Gurbir
S. Grewal, the Director of the <a href="https://www.financemagnates.com/tag/sec/">SEC</a>'s Division of Enforcement,
emphasized that the economic reality of the offering, rather than the labels or
underlying objects, determines whether an investment qualifies as a security.
</p><p>He stated, "Stoner Cats marketed its knowledge of <a href="https://www.financemagnates.com/tag/crypto/">crypto</a>
projects, touted that the price of their NFTs could increase and took other
steps that led investors to believe they would profit from selling the NFTs in
the secondary market."</p><p>Carolyn
Welshhans, the Associate Director of the SEC's Home Office, pointed out that SC2
wanted the benefits of offering and selling a security to the public but failed
to meet the legal responsibilities associated with doing so. Registration of
securities provides investors with the necessary disclosures to make informed
investment decisions.</p><p>Without
admitting or denying the SEC's findings, SC2 has agreed to a cease-and-desist
order and a civil penalty of $1 million. The order also establishes a Fair Fund
to return the funds that injured investors spent on purchasing the NFTs.
Additionally, SC2 will destroy all NFTs under its control and publish a notice
of the order on its website and social media channels.</p><p>The
SEC's investigation was led by a team of experts and supervised by Carolyn
Welshhans, the <a href="https://www.financemagnates.com/tag/Crypto-Assets/" target="_blank" rel="follow">Crypto Assets</a> and Cyber Unit Chief, David Hirsch, and the Deputy Chief, Jorge Tenreiro.</p><p>This case exemplifies the SEC's
commitment to overseeing digital assets and ensuring issuer adherence to
securities regulations. With the increasing popularity of NFTs and the crypto
industry's expansion, regulatory authorities like the SEC are vigilantly
monitoring these markets to safeguard investors and uphold market integrity.</p>

This article was written by Tareq Sikder at www.financemagnates.com.

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