Trump Remains Ahead in the Polls Despite 91 Criminal Charges

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<p>With 64% of Republican primary voters nationwide supporting him Trump is far ahead of the other Republican candidates in the primary. Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis follow with 11 and 9% respectively.<br />
The survey was carried out before the Colorado Supreme Court decided that Trump cannot serve in office again as he instigated insurrection leading to the 6th of January siege of the Capitol, the ex-president has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn the ruling.</p>
<p>His lead in the primaries which stands at 27% is due to most Republicans who view him as innocent along with the support of one-third of Republican voters who think he was involved in serious lawbreaking but are willing to support his re-election bid.</p>
<p>The poll revealed that 63% of Republicans believe that if Mr. Trump wins the primary, he should remain the GOP&#8217;s nominee even if he is convicted of a federal offense.<br />
About half of those surveyed revealed that they were not paying too much attention or no attention whatsoever to the court cases, although Democrats were following more closely.<br />
A vast majority of Republicans (83%) believe the prosecutions of Mr. Trump to be politically motivated. On the other hand, the majority of Democrats (84%) think that he was charged due to the presumption that he had violated the law.<br />
The survey revealed that 47% of the respondents thought President Trump really does believe the 2020 election was stolen, and the same portion disagreed. Moreover, more than 80% of Democrats and Republicans both agreed with the position of their respective parties.</p>
<p>It appears that despite the litany of accusations against Trump they have not resulted in a positive effect on Joe Biden&#8217;s campaign.<br />
Mr. Trump has a 2% lead over President Biden among registered voters. But when looking at those most likely to cast their ballot, Biden holds a slight advantage of 2%. This is indicative of Biden&#8217;s lack of support among registered voters as the same amount of people, 47%, believe Trump is guilty of attempting to overturn the 2020 election.</p>
<p>A major discrepancy in opinion exists between voters regarding the legal implications of the allegations against Trump. The majority of college graduates agree that Mr. Trump should be held responsible for attempting to alter the results of the 2020 election, while those who did not attend college are of the opposing viewpoint.</p>
<p>Within the GOP, a stark gap in educational attainment is evident. A vast majority of Republicans without college degrees 70% are in Favor of Mr. Trump staying as the nominee if he is convicted, while Republican college graduates are almost split evenly on the subject.</p>
<p>In the event of a trial for the 2020 election, a majority of voters feel that President Trump should be found guilty. However, confidence in the trial&#8217;s fairness was lacking, as only 43% believed it could be impartial while 49% thought it would be otherwise.<br />
The polls indicate that Mr. Trump is in a strong position in the upcoming presidential primary, with a wide lead over his competitors Ms. Haley and Mr. DeSantis. His support transcends age, income, and location, with 80% of GOP primary voters who don&#8217;t think he committed serious crimes backing him, and 34% of those who do still support him.<br />
Repeated claims from Mr. Trump&#8217;s primary challengers had been that the election will take place on a state-by-state basis, launching from Iowa and New Hampshire. However, the overall assessment of their status is far from optimistic, with only around 10% of the population backing either Ms. Haley or Mr. DeSantis.</p>
<p>The survey results demonstrate the dissimilar political alliances that Mr. Trump&#8217;s opponents have put together to reach the same goal. The majority of those who voted for Mr. DeSantis do not believe that Mr. Trump has committed any federal crimes of a serious nature, while a majority of Ms. Haley&#8217;s backers think he has. Almost all of Mr. DeSantis&#8217;s voters would back Mr. Trump versus Mr. Biden in the upcoming election, whereas Ms. Haley&#8217;s supporters are more evenly split on the matter.<br />
Comprehending the Republican primary necessitates an understanding of educational dynamics. Ms. Haley is garnering 28% of the vote from Republicans who are college graduates, and Mr. Trump only 3%. However, regarding non-college graduates, Trump has double the support (76%) than those who did go to college (39%).</p>
<p>Vivek Ramaswamy, the entrepreneur, has 5% backing in the survey, while Chris Christie, the ex-governor of New Jersey who has loudly argued that Mr. Trump&#8217;s actions and court cases make him &#8220;unfit&#8221; to be re-elected to the White House, received 3% of the votes.<br />
Whatever happens in the next few months the race for the White House is likely to be a close affair, that is shaping up to be a fight of personal attacks on each other, rather than debates on policies. `);

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<h2>Donald Trump Remains Ahead in the Polls &#8211; Despite 91 Criminal Charges</h2>
<p>It is difficult to think of any Western democracy where a political figure facing 91 criminal charges could still hold significant support among voters. Yet according to a poll in December that is the case in The United States today.<br />
Trump is the clear front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, despite a majority of voters nationwide, including an increasingly large number of Republicans, believing he has committed serious federal crimes, according to a recent survey conducted by The New York Times.</p>
<p>It seems apparent that Republican voters are content to disregard the 91 charges brought against him and continue supporting his comeback to the White House.<br />
<span>The survey found that 58% of voters across the country think that</span></p>

<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Trump Remains Ahead in the Polls Despite 91 Criminal Charges</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">FinanceBrokerage</a>.</p>

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