Top shitcoins – that you might consider buying 

<div><img width="1000" height="666" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Top shitcoins" decoding="async" loading="lazy" /></div><h1><strong>Top shitcoins – that you might consider buying </strong></h1>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Are you interested in investing in top shitcoins this year? In 2024, the crypto landscape buzzes with unique opportunities. “Shitcoins,” once a playful term, now highlight promising meme coins. Projects like Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogelon Mars capture attention. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">They promise long-term growth, fueled by social media trends. Apecoin (APE) and Floki Inu join this exciting race. These crypto assets blend humor with serious investment potential.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Meme tokens like these often draw inspiration from pop culture icons, including Elon Musk. The crypto community closely watches these developments. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Token holders seek out the next big hit among these shitcoins to buy in 2024. With their roots in online forums and Wall Street memes, these coins boast million market cap potentials.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Inu coin variants lead the charge in shitcoin projects. They represent a unique blend in the cryptocurrency projects space. Investors and enthusiasts alike keep an eye on these emerging assets, seeking to capitalize on the next big trend.In this guide, we present to you the best shitcoins to buy in 2024.</span></p>
<h2><strong>The list of Top shitcoins to buy in 2024</strong></h2>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The opportunities in the world of cryptocurrencies are numerous. Whether it is investing in future projects like Ethereum and Solana or betting on the future of a shitcoin with strong hype, each investment presents risks and rewards.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Joking, the crypto ecosystem likes to have fun with memes and other inside jokes. But sometimes it goes further than just a joke and gives shitcoin with big progressions. For example, <a href="">Dogecoin</a> or Shiba Inu or Pepe Coin. However, these also represent a high risk that must be kept in mind. </span></p>
<h2><strong>Dogecoin, the most popular shitcoin</strong></h2>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-155631" src="×681.jpg" alt="dogecoin" width="1024" height="681" /></span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Dogecoin is the pioneer of this shit coin trend in the world of cryptocurrencies. It is a relatively old cryptocurrency since it was created in 2013. And this, following the craze for this meme which became cult of a Shiba Inu in the early 2010s.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Doge is considered by many to be one of the most iconic memes in internet culture. We always see it resurface from time to time. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Although the technological characteristics of this asset are far from remarkable, it has managed to last over time. This, in particular thanks to a strong community extremely present on social networks.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The other factor in Dogecoin’s big success is the support of charismatic billionaire Elon Musk. The boss of Tesla is a big supporter of cryptocurrencies to the point of investing more than 1.5 billion of the company’s cash in Bitcoin.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">But he is also a big fan of Dogecoin and makes many jokes and other references to this shitcoin, especially via his Twitter account. Elon Musk is largely responsible for the meteoric rise in the price of Dogecoin during 2021. This seems to continue in 2022.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The asset, which was trading around $0.05 in January 2021, reached a historic high of over $0.68 in May 2021. Musk’s takeover of Twitter on April 25 also allowed Dogecoin to rise. fly away. A dazzling progression which has now slowed down but still remains around $0.15.</span></p>
<h2><strong>Shiba Inu, the little brother of the dazzlingly successful Dogecoin</strong></h2>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Faced with the success of the Doge, some did not want to give up their share of the pie. This is how the one that could be described as a competitor to Dogecoin, the Shiba Inu, was born. This cryptocurrency, also called memecoin, was created in 2020. It refers to the dog breed of the Doge meme, the Shiba Inu.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Like many shitcoins without real innovation or interesting technical characteristics, this project aims to build a decentralized community but also to help protect shiba dogs. Unlike some shit coins, Shiba still offers some protocols such as a decentralized exchange platform notably called ShibaSwap.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Here again, the asset experienced remarkable progress during the year 2021 and this historic bullrun for crypto-assets. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The latter saw its price multiply by 50 between May 1, 2021 and October 30, 2021, during its ATH. It has since experienced a strong correction of almost 75% to stagnate around $0.0002.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The cryptocurrency still ranks in the top 15 of the largest capitalizations on the market, just behind Dogecoin in 12th position.</span></p>
<h2><strong>Pepe Coin, the top shitcoin that exploded in 2023</strong></h2>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-258422" src="" alt="Pepe Coin, the top shitcoin that exploded in 2023" width="1025" height="665" /></span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The PEPE cryptocurrency, launched at the end of April 2023, quickly established itself as one of the best shitcoins. With the support of an energy community, the token saw a spectacular increase in its value with a boost of more than 2000%. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">An exceptional performance that transcends simple crypto market dynamics. It is clear that the intense engagement and prolific activity of its community on social media platforms have been the determining factors in its growth.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">PEPE stands out for its association with the emblematic frog. However, shitcoin goes beyond its memecoin image by adopting a deflationary economic strategy. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The latter considerably reduces the number of tokens in circulation. A burn mechanism which contributes to increasing the value of tokens in circulation for the benefit of its holders.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">PEPE’s position among the most sought-after shitcoins is reinforced by its unique synergy between its viral popularity and tangible features. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Designed on the Ethereum blockchain, PEPE quickly established itself as a major innovation among the shitcoins of 2023. Its essential presence in the cryptocurrency sector can no longer be ignored by investors in the field.</span></p>
<h2><strong>Dogelon Mars, a token to ride on the success of Doge</strong></h2>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">As the crypto universe likes running gags, a new arrival in the shitcoin sector, also linked to Elon Musk, has appeared: Dogelon (ELON). </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Here too it is a memecoin operating on the Ethereum blockchain. It combines both the Doge and Elon Musk to synthesize these two strong characters in the crypto universe. We also note the reference to Mars, to signify that the token wants to go even higher than the Moon!</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">If here too, no real utility is associated with this token, it is its community that makes the difference. Driven by the hype, the token saw its price multiply by 50 between September and November 2021. However, it has lost nearly 60% of its value at present.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Once again, it all depends on the community and the hype that will come between</span></p>
<h2><strong>Mona Coin the first Japanese cryptocurrency</strong></h2>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-258420" src="" alt="Mona Coin the first Japanese cryptocurrency" width="1000" height="667" /></span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Created in 2013, Monacoin is the first Japanese cryptocurrency. At the moment, it is not as popular as Bitcoin or Ethereum. However, it is approved by the FSA. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Thus, it is accepted as a payment currency on some online stores. In addition, the asset is performing well on the market and experts predict a bright future for it. However, it is not yet possible to buy it directly with FIAT currencies. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">To invest in MONA, you must go through exchanges and exchange your BTC for the token.It is a Japanese alternative cryptocurrency inspired by Mona, an ASCII character.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">It was created in December 2013 by a developer known under the pseudonym Mr Watanabe.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">It is a hard fork of Litecoin that uses the Lyra2RE(v2) algorithm.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">This token works according to Proof of Work consensus like Bitcoin. Thus, it is possible to mine it by performing algorithmic calculations.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">In addition to its basic characteristics, you need to know its financial usefulness and its regulations:</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The Monacoin cryptocurrency is approved by the FSA (Japan Financial Services Agency).</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Thus, it is accepted as a means of payment on several gaming platforms or online stores.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">You can also use it to make purchases or access services on the blockchain.</span></p>
<h2><strong>APA Coin access to Bored Ape Yacht Club ecosystem</strong></h2>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">In addition to representing a liquid access door to an investment in the Bored Ape Yacht Club ecosystem, the $APE token has several functions.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">It is the governance token of the ecosystem, allowing $APE holders to participate in the ApeCoin DAO under the ratio 1 $APE = 1 vote.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">It will also provide access to certain exclusive benefits of the ecosystem, such as games (a Play to Earn is announced), derivative products (merch), events and exclusive services.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">ApeCoin can also be used by inventive developers wishing to create games, services or original projects by incorporating the Bored Ape ecosystem. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Respected member Jenkins The Valet is already hinting at the use of the token in his proposed use of property rights.Currently, the price of ApeCoin (APE) is 12.37 € or $13.35 and fluctuated by 12.08% over the last 24 hours. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The ApeCoin (APE) reached its highest price on and was 15.52 € or $17.17. Since then, its price has corrected by -20.00%. ApeCoin (APE) is currently the 39th cryptocurrency in the world. Currently, the capitalization of ApeCoin (APE) is €3,517,811,039.00 or $3,517,811,039.00.</span></p>
<h2><strong>Samoyed Coin one of the most successful crypto projects</strong></h2>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true"><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-247325" src="" alt="How to trade range bars" width="1000" height="667" /></span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Samoyedcoin is a memecoin whose token is SAMO. It is one of the most successful crypto projects in the world of memecoins, along with Shiba Inu and Dogecoin. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">However, the latter has its own characteristics and specificities which can allow it to have a bright future.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Samoyedcoin is an interesting project in the field of memecoins. He has managed to carve out a special place for himself among Dogecoin and other Shiba Inu. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">At the heart of the Solana ecosystem and driven by a strong community, it is likely that it will be able to return to the heights reached in 2021.</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">This, in the event of favorable circumstances. If projects like Tamadoge seem more promising to us, SAMO already benefits from an established reputation and could therefore strongly benefit from a return of a long-term upward trend in the months to come!</span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Samoyedcoin is above all a community project aimed at bringing together the largest possible community in the Solana ecosystem and beyond. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">This community must make it possible to change the rules of the game and profoundly modify society according to the white pa(w)per of the project! This community should make it possible to create links and interactions between users from all over the world, with the SAMO token at its heart.</span></p>
<h2><strong>Wakanda Inu Coin a community-driven meme token</strong></h2>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Wakanda Inu Coin (WKD) is a community-driven meme token that was founded in 2021 by a group of young Africans. Its main utility is centered around decentralized charity, aiming to represent the best aspects of humanity and community. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The WKD ecosystem includes various features like token staking, liquidity farming, and a raffle system. Additionally, it has a NFT marketplace and a launchpad for token sales, although these are currently labeled as coming soon. </span></p>
<p><span data-preserver-spaces="true">The token offers the ability to stake and earn high annual percentage rates (APRs) with low risk, enabling users to farm other tokens through staking WKD tokens. The project has also made real-world impacts, such as commissioning solar-powered boreholes in African communities. For more detailed information, you can visit their official website at Wakanda Inu.</span></p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Top shitcoins – that you might consider buying </a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">FinanceBrokerage</a>.</p>

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