This week is an extra packed week here for the team at Assure Hedge as we are attending the…

<figure><img alt="" src="*i-UnJHjUEg3fIZjZNtsVtw.jpeg" /></figure><h3>We’re in Singapore, Bangkok and London this Week</h3><p>This week is an extra packed week here for the team at Assure Hedge as we are in the midst of attending the world’s largest financial technology (aka “fintech”) conference held in the giant Singapore Expo centre in, you guessed it, Singapore.</p><p>With the week that’s in it, we’re also attending the 2018 Business Show in London on the 14th and 15th in the colossal Excel London. With over 25,000 businesses attending our Bus Dev team will be very busy exploring the vast jungle of companies in Britain’s biggest business event in the Excel Arena.</p><p>On top of that, we’re also checking out the Asia Irish Business Forum’s annual conference in Bangkok.</p><p><strong>Singapore Fintech Festival</strong></p><p>As part of the overall greater Ireland section at the event, we’ve taken the long 18 and a half hour trip from Dublin (COO Graham) and London (CEO Barry) to explore opportunities abundant in the Far East for Assure Hedge. The aim of coming to Singapore for us is simple, it’s a massively growing market with strong international trade and lots of different trading currencies. It’s also a great way to meet new banking partners seeking to expand their foreign currency offering to the SME customers so we’re looking forward to chatting to new partners.</p><p>With Enterprise Ireland and the IDA inviting us to take part in the Ireland zone at the conference, we’re confident that our exposure is being increased seismically under the Ireland zone’s strong branding with the IDA and Enterprise Ireland.</p><p>With 6 other hungry companies including <a href="">Daon</a>, <a href="">CurrencyFair</a>, <a href="">CR2</a>, <a href="">Intuition</a>, <a href="">KYCKR </a>and <a href="">Rockall Tech</a> looking to explore the market we’re in great hands in the Ireland zone with top-notch Irish businesses. Topping the week off nicely is a dinner event at the residence of the Irish Ambassador to Singapore His Excellency Mr Patrick Bourne.</p><p>If you’re in Singapore for the week, pop over to the giant Ireland zone located at booth 4E11. The conference kicks off on Monday the 12th running until the 14th. Our CEO Barry is in Singapore until the evening of the 15th so please reach out to meet him at [email protected]</p><figure><img alt="" src="*tAhmbDXMOu1__zXYpzR5RQ.jpeg" /></figure><p><strong>The Great British Business Show</strong></p><p>With the UK being the largest market for us at the moment and the home of our international HQ in London, this Wednesday and Thursday we’ll be attending the UK’s largest business expo, The Great British Business Show.</p><p>If you’ve never attended the show as a business you should definitely check it out as it’s absolutely massive in scale with over 25,000 businesses attending as exhibitors and working the floor. We will be meeting hundreds of businesses showcasing our new Brexit protection online platform and would love to meet to chat about your business’s currency (or any) needs.</p><p>Tickets to attend are free and can be grabbed here <a href=""></a></p><p><strong>Irish Asia Business Forum in Bangkok</strong></p><figure><img alt="" src="*s_RO0tMH7HoXbcLmbHiCVw.jpeg" /></figure><p>Topping off the week is a trip to Bangkok to explore opportunities in the Thai market. With lots of great meetings in the pipeline, we’re very excited about the week ahead.</p><p>The key part of the week is the <a href="">conference itself </a>on the 16th in Bangkok with lots of top Irish businesses attending at the Eastin Grand Hotel Sathorn Bangkok. With the Thai market being completely new to us we’re keeping a very open mind as to the many opportunities and are looking forward to mingling with the Irish and international businesses attending.</p><p>COO Graham is presenting to the audience at the conference on Friday morning and also appearing on a panel on financial inclusion in SME’s. We’re looking forward to a very fruitful week ahead.</p><p><strong>Come meet us if you’re at any of the 3 events</strong></p><p>If you’re heading to the Singapore Fintech Week, the Great British Business Show or the Irish Asia Business Forum make sure to get in touch with us on <a href="">Twitter</a> or set up a meeting on the instant messenger on our <a href="">site</a>.</p><p><em>Graham is the COO of Assure Hedge and is in Singapore and Bangkok for the week. Reach out to him at [email protected] or on Linkedin, link here </em><a href=""><em></em></a></p><img src=";referrerSource=full_rss&amp;postId=803defc77372" width="1" height="1" alt="" /><hr><p><a href="">This week is an extra packed week here for the team at Assure Hedge as we are attending the…</a> was originally published in <a href="">Assure Hedge</a> on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.</p>

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