The Tesla Cybertruck – An Automotive Marvel with Strings Attached

<p>Tesla's Cybertruck is the sleek, futuristic ride everyone is eagerly
waiting for. But before you start dreaming of cruising in your stainless-steel
marvel, know this: Tesla's got some fine print that's funkier than a
self-driving disco.</p><p>One Year of Exclusivity</p><p>Picture this: You've got your Cybertruck, and the roads are calling.
But wait! If you’re considering cashing in on your shiny new toy instead of
burning rubber, but <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">EV firm</a> Tesla wants you to keep it close, very close. For a whole year,
in fact. No selling, no flipping, no letting go. It's an exclusive one-year deal,
and you're locked in.</p><p>Trying to Ditch the Cybertruck?</p><p>Now, say you're determined to part ways with your Cybertruck after the
one-year wait. Brace yourself; you're entering the arena of Tesla's terms and
conditions. Selling it back to Tesla? Sure, but not without some mile-driven
deductions and repair costs.</p><p>Here’s the owner’s <a href=";model=m3&amp;saleType=Sale">terms
and conditions</a>: “You understand and acknowledge that the Cybertruck will
first be released in limited quantity. You agree that you will not sell or
otherwise attempt to sell the Vehicle within the first year following your
Vehicle's delivery date.</p><p>“Owners can sell the truck back to Tesla within the first year
"for any unforeseen reason" for the purchase price "less
$0.25/mile driven, reasonable wear and tear, and the cost to repair the Vehicle
to Tesla's Used Vehicle Cosmetic and Mechanical Standards."</p><p>A $50,000 sting</p><p>So, you're feeling uninspired and want to sell your truck? Or perhaps
the plan was always to flip it? Well, be prepared for a <a href="">$50,000
sting</a>. Yep, you read that right. A
hefty fine for those who dare to go against the electric gods. Want to buy
another Tesla in the future? Better think twice; they might well refuse to sell.</p><p>A Million Reservations, Few Deliveries</p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">Elon Musk</a>'s Cybertruck journey isn't short on drama. With a million
reservations and <a href="">a
handful of actual deliveries in 2023</a>, it's the hottest ticket in town. But
getting your hands on one? That's the real struggle. As Musk puts it,
"enormous challenges" lie ahead for mass production. Regardless, it hasn't been great news for Tesla's <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">stocks</a>.</p>

This article was written by Louis Parks at

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