The Swiss National Bank will be publishing a report on monetary policy on Wednesday

<p>The Swiss National Bank (SNB)'s Quarterly Bulletin for Q2 2023 will be released at 1300 GMT, which is 0900 US Eastern time. </p><p>The Bulletin typically includes sections covering:
Monetary policy:<ul><li>With an assessment of the current and forecasted state of the Swiss economy, including inflation, growth, and employment</li><li>SNB's deliberations and decisions about its policy strategy, including decisions about interest rates and other monetary tools</li></ul></li><li>

Statistical data: <ul><li>Presenting information on higher-tier economic indicators such as inflation rates, exchange rates, money supply, and the balance of payments.</li></ul></li><li>There are also usually some special focus articles, often covering topics relevant to Swiss monetary policy or the Swiss economy in greater depth. </li><li>Some Bulletins include summaries of the discussions and decisions of the SNB's governing board surrounding policy decisions. </li></ul><p>Swiss National Bank chair Thomas Jordan</p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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