The Intern Experience: Assure Hedge Edition

<figure><img alt="" src="*3ipwQxiTeUt_XIVs" /></figure><p>Starting our journey with Assure Hedge as Digital Marketing Interns, we (we’re Amanda and Ashley, U.S. college students on exchange through a local university UCD for the Summer) both felt excited (and nervous) for our first ever exposure to a “Fintech” company, aka a Financial Technology company.</p><p>Immediately, on our first day we were given the ins-and-outs of what hedging was and Assure Hedge’s hedging solution, something both of us were totally new to. That is when we knew our time spent here this summer would be filled with plenty of learning experiences that would supplement our future careers in marketing and international business.</p><p>Being located in <a href="">Dogpatch labs</a>, an incubator for growing businesses in Dublin’s financial district with lots of cool mostly tech companies (about 90 or so we believe), Assure Hedge was the perfect place for American interns like ourselves to get a nice introduction into how digital marketing is used in a real business. As is the collaborative atmosphere in Dogpatch, we were encouraged to network within the community through a host of events on in both the day and the evening, which was very useful in learning from other businesses in the building.</p><p>The constant free lunches left over from the gigs run by Ulster Bank, ESB and Google were nice daily treats! 

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