The Bletchley Declaration – The First AI Safety Summit

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$('.blur').html(` polar opposite views held by two of the tech giants, Elon Musk, the Tesla and Twitter boss, and Nvidia CEO &amp; President, Jensen Huang. Musk has described AI as “the most disruptive force in history “, his belief is as AI’s intelligence surpasses that of humans jobs will become obsolete. Musk’s further concern is this will lead to existential questions about finding meaning in a life with no jobs. On the other side is Jensen Huang, whose view of AI’s future could not be more different. He says AI will improve productivity, foster economic growth, and create new jobs as companies develop into new areas. His belief is people will continue to innovate, new industries will surface, and employment opportunities will grow.<br />
The declaration describes enormous global opportunities that AI presents, with “the potential to transform and enhance human wellbeing, peace, and prosperity”. It sets out the importance of “alignment with human intent” and states the need to better understand the full capabilities of the technology. It describes the possibility for “serious, even catastrophic, harm, either deliberate or unintentional,” but also identifies that “the protection of human rights, transparency and explainability, fairness, accountability, regulation, safety, appropriate human oversight, ethics, bias mitigation, privacy and data protection needs to be addressed”.<br />
The declaration points out the need for civil society to be fully involved in working on AI safety. It states particularly strong responsibility for ensuring the safety of these AI systems rests with the Companies building “frontier” AI systems and this must include high levels of evaluations and safety testing.<br />
Unlike most declarations this one does not include firm obligations and concrete measures, however, it is regarded as a good first step considering it wasn’t on any government radar one year ago. And is a compromise between countries that have very different views and priorities.<br />
During the conference, the U.S. delegates announced that they are also to set up a U.S. AI Safety Institute similar to the one in the UK, which they say will collaborate with its British counterpart. Despite the present political tensions, China’s attendance was seen as being positive, and the Chinese academics who were there are calling for stricter measures than those set out in the Bletchley Declaration. Although Chinese attendance was welcomed Oliver Dowden, the UK Deputy Prime Minister said it “might not be appropriate for China to join” certain sessions “where we have like-minded countries working together.”<br />
Despite the progress made at the Summit, there has also been criticism that several issues were not high on the agenda, including The impact on the environment, due to the intensive energy AI uses; the rise of safety issues for women where AI can be used to create fake pornographic content; and Its misuse in creating disinformation that may affect elections.<br />
Whilst there are many competing ideas for the direction of AI amongst the delegates and countries attending, this summit may not change the direction of AI or its immediate governance. But it is regarded as an encouraging start for international cooperation, and that will surely be needed if we are to control the risks posed by “frontier AI”. It is encouraging that these summits will now become regular meetings with Korea hosting the next virtual meeting in six months, followed by France hosting an in-person summit in autumn next year.`);

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<h2>The Bletchley Declaration – The First AI Safety Summit</h2>
<p>It is argued that the biggest issue of potential opportunities and risks that face humanity is the introduction of “frontier AI” and particularly the governance of its future development which will be many times more powerful than it is today.<br />
November 1st &amp; 2nd saw the first AI Safety Summit, hosted by Rishi Sunak and the United Kingdom government, the conference was held at Bletchley Park, the site made famous during World War 2 where codebreakers including Alan Turing the father of the modern computer broke the code of the Enigma machine thus shortening the war by two years. The summit ended with the publication of a communique (The Bletchley Declaration) named after the location of the conference<br />
The conference was attended by delegates from some 27 worldwide governments, including senior diplomats from the U.S. and China along with some of the biggest names from the tech industry and CEOs of top artificial intelligence companies.<br />
There was no attempt to reach an agreement on enforceable guidelines that would govern AI development. However, the Prime Minister did announce the UK government would receive early access to the models to implement safety assessments. He also announced that Yoshua Bengio, Scientific Director of the Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms, will chair a group that will report on the scientific risks and capabilities of “frontier AI” systems.<br />
The Prime Minister also announced that the U.K.’s AI Taskforce set up a few months ago will become permanent and renamed the U.K. AI Safety Institute with the job of carrying out safety evaluations.<br />
There is little doubt that AI will make some jobs obsolete, but estimations vary widely on what the overall effect will be in the years to come. <span>One of the most interesting debates to emerge from the Summit is the</span> </p>

<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">The Bletchley Declaration – The First AI Safety Summit</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">FinanceBrokerage</a>.</p>

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