Shiba Inu Recovers $15B Record Market Cap

<div><img width="1200" height="675" src="" class="attachment-post-thumbnail size-post-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Major Cryptocurrency Exchange Coinbase Listed Shiba Inu" loading="lazy" srcset=" 1200w,×169.jpg 300w,×576.jpg 1024w,×432.jpg 768w,×864.jpg 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></div><h1>Shiba Inu Recovers $15B Record Market Cap</h1>
<p>The Shiba Inu has just recovered to a staggering $15 billion market cap. SHIB set off a new round of turmoil around it. The latter represents a good recovery and a unique threshold for accumulating SHIB tokens so far.</p>
<p>Currently, the Shiba Inu price is $0.00002809. The cryptocurrency gained 24.23% and 37.21%, respectively. The figures outlined are the 24-hour and 7-day trading volumes of the SHIB token. In addition to this, this on-chain analysis makes Shiba Inu the 14th largest cryptocurrency globally.</p>
<p>Shiba Inu’s $15 billion market cap has created excitement for all crypto enthusiasts worldwide, especially the “SHIBA Army” community. As a result, it enables traders to embark on a more competitive cryptocurrency trading journey.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, Crypto Ape and other hardcore Shiba Inu fans rejoiced to see such an impressive milestone covered by the SHIB token.</p>
<p>Moreover, speculators believe Shiba Inu is ready to flourish again, the same as its previous performance in the fourth quarter of 2021.</p>
<p>On the other hand, while the prices of several other meme tokens have risen sharply, the current performance of the SHIB token heralds some kind of threat to its rival Dogecoin and many other available altcoins.</p>
<h2><img loading="lazy" class="alignnone wp-image-4971 size-full" src="’s-Kim-Abolishes-Missile-Sites.jpg" alt="FinanceBrokerage – Global Economy North Korea’s Kim Abolishes Missile Sites" width="5001" height="3536" srcset="’s-Kim-Abolishes-Missile-Sites.jpg 5001w,’s-Kim-Abolishes-Missile-Sites-300×212.jpg 300w,’s-Kim-Abolishes-Missile-Sites-768×543.jpg 768w,’s-Kim-Abolishes-Missile-Sites-1024×724.jpg 1024w" sizes="(max-width: 5001px) 100vw, 5001px" /></h2>
<h2>North Korea Develops Missile Programs With Crypto Cyberattack Profits</h2>
<p>A new United Nations report warns that <a href="">cyberattacks</a> on crypto-assets remain the primary funding source for North Korea’s growing nuclear and ballistic missile programs.</p>
<p>Pyongyang’s test and demonstration of new short-range and possible medium-range missiles by January have significantly accelerated. The country’s ability to produce nuclear fissile material violates UN Security Council resolutions.</p>
<p>The report said that cyberattacks, particularly against crypto-assets, played a major role in financing its missile program.</p>
<p>These attacks allow North Korea to continue to seek materials and technology for its weapons globally, including in Iran.</p>
<p>North Korea, officially known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, continues to seek materials, technology, and know-how for these programs overseas, including through cyber means and joint scientific research.</p>
<p>The report said North Korea has continued modernizing its nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles to defy UN sanctions.</p>
<p>In 2021, North Korean <a href="">hackers</a> stole about $400 million in crypto — about 40 percent more than in 2020.</p>
<p>The report noted that the notorious state-backed cybercrime arm Lazarus Group was behind most of the seven major digital attacks.</p>
<p>Once North Korea gained custody of the funds, they began a careful money-laundering process to cover up and cash out.</p>
<p>The United Nations Security Council noted in 2019 that North Korea earned about $2 billion over three years from illegal cyber activities.</p>
<p>In recent months, Pyongyang has fired many weapons systems and threatened to lift a four-year moratorium on more serious weapons tests, including nuclear explosions and intercontinental ballistic missile launches.</p>
<p>In January, North Korea fired a record nine missiles. It recently tested a developing hypersonic missile and a submarine-launched missile.</p>
<p>Despite United Nations sanctions banning North Korean coal exports, the new report says offshore coal exports have increased in the second half of 2021, albeit still at relatively low levels.</p>
<h2><img loading="lazy" class="alignnone wp-image-100067 size-full" src="" alt="UnMarshal tokens" width="1200" height="718" srcset=" 1200w,×180.jpg 300w,×613.jpg 1024w,×460.jpg 768w" sizes="(max-width: 1200px) 100vw, 1200px" /></h2>
<h2>RSS3 Aims To Be A Decentralized Information Processor For Web3</h2>
<p>Simple Syndication (RSS) is the first information distribution protocol to gain widespread adoption on the Internet. They decided to fight Web3 with a decentralized information processing protocol called RSS3.</p>
<p>In a technical white paper released Monday, RSS3 laid out plans to update its popular internet feed to Web3. RSS3 will provide each entity with an RSS3 file that will act as source data and be continuously updated.</p>
<p>The source data files can then be used to aggregate all network activity. This activity can then be used to build social media, content networks, games, and other data-driven applications. Source data can control which information is broadcast and which is kept private.</p>
<p>RSS is a feed file that contains a summary of website updates, usually in a hyperlinked list of articles. These feeds will decentralize and play a key role in exchanging information on the Internet. However, the monopoly of centralized web hosting providers led to decentralized RSS3.</p>
<p>The official document states that building a decentralized information processing protocol from scratch is complex. According to this report, that task could take six to eight months to create an RSS3 node. Developers are also building DAO systems but believe true decentralization will take time.</p>
<p>The development team has partnered with<a href=""> Ethereum</a>, Arweave, Polygon, BSC, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Flow, and xDAI to launch the protocol across various decentralized networks.</p>
<p>So far, the team behind the decentralized protocol has completed two rounds of financing, with participation from crypto exchange Coinbase Ventures, Dapper Labs, Dragonfly Capital, Fabric Ventures, and more.</p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Shiba Inu Recovers $15B Record Market Cap</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">FinanceBrokerage</a>.</p>

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