Private oil survey data shows crude oil build of 4.1 million barrels

<p>The inventory data from the private survey is out now, with the official data to be released on Wednesday morning (US time). </p><p>Recall, the private data last week showed the largest draw in at least 40 years with crude oil stocks down -15.4 million barrels. The EIA data last week for crude all stocks showed an even bigger drawdown of -17.04 million barrels.</p><p>The private data as per twitter shows:</p><p>The EIA estimates from Reuters to be release tomorrow at 10:30 AM ET shows:</p><ul><li>Crude stocks -0.567M vs -17.04M last week</li><li>Gasoline stocks -0.008M vs 1.480M last week</li><li>Distillates +0.006M vs -0.796M last week</li></ul><p>Crude oil is trading at $82.75.</p>

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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