Pip Difference Calculator – Get Pips from the Price




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<label for="symbol">Symbol:</label>
<select name="symbol">
<option disabled selected value="">—- Select —-</option>
<option value="5 Decimal Point">5 Decimal Point</option>
<option value="4 Decimal Point">4 Decimal Point</option>
<option value="3 Decimal Point">3 Decimal Point</option>
<option value="2 Decimal Point">2 Decimal Point</option>

<label for="entry-price">Entry Price:</label>
<input type="text" name="entry-price" placeholder="Enter entry price" value="0">
<label for="stop-loss">Stop Loss:</label><!–</a> [et_pb_line_break_holder] –> <input type="text" name="stop-loss" placeholder="Enter stop loss" value="0">
<label for="take-profit">Take Profit:</label>
<input type="text" name="take-profit" placeholder="Enter take profit" value="0">
<span>Stop Loss Difference: </span>
<span>Take Profit Difference: </span>
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Calculate">

const form = document.querySelector('#pip-form');
// const outputDiv = document.querySelector('.output-field .pip-value');
const outputDiv1 = document.querySelector('.output-field .stop-loss-diff');
const outputDiv2 = document.querySelector('.output-field .take-profit-diff');
const warningDiv = document.querySelector('.warning');
//const contractSizeField = document.querySelector('#contract-size');
const symbolSelect = document.querySelector('#symbol');
// const PointValueField = document.querySelector('#point-value');

const contractSizeMap = {
'5 Decimal Point': 100000,
'4 Decimal Point': 100000,
'3 Decimal Point': 100000,
'2 Decimal Point': 100000,

const PointValueMap = {
'5 Decimal Point': 0.00001,
'4 Decimal Point': 0.0001,
'3 Decimal Point': 0.001,
'2 Decimal Point': 0.01,
'Boom 1000 Index': 0.0001,


let predefPointValue;

symbolSelect.addEventListener('change', () => {
const selectedSymbol = symbolSelect.value;
const predefinedContractSize = contractSizeMap[selectedSymbol];
const predefinedPointValue = PointValueMap[selectedSymbol];

// if (predefinedContractSize) {
// contractSizeField.value = predefinedContractSize;
// }
if (predefinedPointValue) {
// PointValueField.value = predefinedPointValue;
predefPointValue = predefinedPointValue;

form.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {

const symbol = form.elements['symbol'].value;
//const volume = form.elements['volume'].value;
// const contractSize = form.elements['contract-size'].value || 1;
// const pointValue = form.elements['point-value'].value.replace(',', '.');
const entryPrice = form.elements['entry-price'].value.replace(',', '.');
const stopLoss = form.elements['stop-loss'].value.replace(',', '.');
const takeProfit = form.elements['take-profit'].value.replace(',', '.');

if (entryPrice.includes(',') || stopLoss.includes(',') || takeProfit.includes(',')) {
warningDiv.innerText = 'Please use a dot instead of a comma for the point value';
outputDiv.innerHTML = '';
let stopLossDiff;
let takeProfitDiff;
let stop_loss_pips;
let take_profit_pips;

//const pipValue = (parseFloat(pointValue) * parseFloat(volume) * contractSize).toFixed(2);

if(predefPointValue == 0.1)
stopLossDiff = Math.abs(parseFloat(stopLoss) – parseFloat(entryPrice)).toFixed(1);
takeProfitDiff = Math.abs(parseFloat(takeProfit) – parseFloat(entryPrice)).toFixed(1);

stop_loss_pips = (parseFloat(stopLossDiff) * 1 ).toFixed(1);
take_profit_pips = (parseFloat(takeProfitDiff) * 1 ).toFixed(1);
}else if(predefPointValue == 0.01)
stopLossDiff = Math.abs(parseFloat(stopLoss) – parseFloat(entryPrice)).toFixed(2);
takeProfitDiff = Math.abs(parseFloat(takeProfit) – parseFloat(entryPrice)).toFixed(2);

stop_loss_pips = (parseFloat(stopLossDiff) * 100 ).toFixed(1);
take_profit_pips = (parseFloat(takeProfitDiff) * 100 ).toFixed(1);
}else if(predefPointValue == 0.001)
stopLossDiff = Math.abs(parseFloat(stopLoss) – parseFloat(entryPrice)).toFixed(3);
takeProfitDiff = Math.abs(parseFloat(takeProfit) – parseFloat(entryPrice)).toFixed(3);

stop_loss_pips = (parseFloat(stopLossDiff) * 100 ).toFixed(1);
take_profit_pips = (parseFloat(takeProfitDiff) * 100 ).toFixed(1);
}else if(predefPointValue == 0.0001)
stopLossDiff = Math.abs(parseFloat(stopLoss) – parseFloat(entryPrice)).toFixed(4);
takeProfitDiff = Math.abs(parseFloat(takeProfit) – parseFloat(entryPrice)).toFixed(4);

stop_loss_pips = (parseFloat(stopLossDiff) * 10000 ).toFixed(1);
take_profit_pips = (parseFloat(takeProfitDiff) * 10000 ).toFixed(1);
}else if(predefPointValue == 0.00001)
stopLossDiff = Math.abs(parseFloat(stopLoss) – parseFloat(entryPrice)).toFixed(5);
takeProfitDiff = Math.abs(parseFloat(takeProfit) – parseFloat(entryPrice)).toFixed(5);

stop_loss_pips = (parseFloat(stopLossDiff) * 10000 ).toFixed(1);
take_profit_pips = (parseFloat(takeProfitDiff) * 10000 ).toFixed(1);
stopLossDiff = Math.abs(parseFloat(stopLoss) – parseFloat(entryPrice)).toFixed(2);
takeProfitDiff = Math.abs(parseFloat(takeProfit) – parseFloat(entryPrice)).toFixed(2);

//outputDiv.innerHTML = `$<span>${pipValue}</span><span> USD</span>`;
outputDiv1.innerHTML = `<span>${stopLossDiff}</span><span> = </span><span> ${stop_loss_pips}</span><span> pips</span>`;
outputDiv2.innerHTML = `<span>${takeProfitDiff}</span><span> = </span><span> ${take_profit_pips}</span><span> pips</span>`;
warningDiv.innerText = '';


<div><p>Pip difference <a href="https://www.getknowtrading.com/forex-calculator/">calculator in Forex</a> is a calculator that gives you the number of pips between :</p>
<li><a href="https://www.getknowtrading.com/what-is-entry-point-in-forex/">entry price</a> and stop loss</li>
<li>entry price and take profit</li>
<p>The pip difference calculator helps you get the number of pips from the price difference so you can easily calculate the stop loss and take profit levels on the correct distance.</p>
<p>Another good thing is that you can<a href="https://www.getknowtrading.com/pip-calculator/"> calculate pip value</a> from the pip difference so you can see if the Risk to Reward ratio is good enough.</p>
<p><strong>Read more: <a href="https://www.getknowtrading.com/risk-reward-ratio-calculator/">Risk to Reward Ratio Calculator</a></strong></p></div>

<div><iframe title="Pip Difference Calculator – Get Pips From Price Difference" width="1080" height="608" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BwyUWZjXNbQ?feature=oembed" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>


<div><h2>Pip Difference Calculator in Forex</h2>
<p>Pip difference is the number of pips between two prices. First you calculate the price difference from the chart and then you use a pip difference calculator to get the number of pips.</p>
<p>With the number of pips you can calculate how much money is the difference.</p></div>

<div><h2>How Do You Calculate Pip Difference?</h2>
<p>Pip difference calculator use three prices:</p>
<li>Entry price</li>
<li>Stop loss price</li>
<li>Take profit price</li>
<p>Calculates the difference between entry price and stop loss. This way you get a Stop loss price difference.</p>
<p>Then it calculates the pip difference from the price difference by checking which symbol is used.</p>
<p>There are few possibilities regarding symbol and those are symbol with:</p>
<li>5 decimal point</li>
<li>4 decimal point</li>
<li>3 decimal point</li>
<li>2 decimal point</li>

<span><img decoding="async" width="578" height="294" src="https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Pip-and-Pipette-comparison.png" alt="Pip-and-Pipette-comparison" title="Pip-and-Pipette-comparison" srcset="https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Pip-and-Pipette-comparison.png 578w, https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Pip-and-Pipette-comparison-480×244.png 480w" sizes="(min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 480px) 480px, (min-width: 481px) 578px, 100vw" class="wp-image-3975" /></span>

<div><h3>5 Decimal Point</h3>
<p>A 5 decimal point symbol is the one where the broker has defined the price of a symbol with 5 decimal points.</p>
<p>Check the image where you can see the price has 5 points after the decimal point.</p>
<p>We are using pip difference calculator in Forex where we have:</p>
<li>contract size equal to 100 000 units of base currency</li>
<li>pips are on the 4th decimal point</li>
<li>pipette are on the 5th decimal point</li>
<p><strong>Read more:<a href="https://www.getknowtrading.com/what-is-a-pip-in-forex-how-to-calculate-a-pip/"> Pip in Forex</a></strong></p></div>

<div tabindex="1" role="textbox" contenteditable="true" spellcheck="false" aria-label="Message Body" aria-multiline="true" aria-owns=":1ua" aria-controls=":1ua">
<p>Pip difference calculator will take into account that the 5 decimal point symbol has pipette on the 5th place.</p>
<p>Here is an example from the pip difference calculator with a 5 decimal price.</p>
<p>You can see when you define a symbol as 5 decimal points it will take the last digit, 5th digit, as a pipette and not as a pip. When you calculate the price difference you will also get the number of pips.</p>

<span><img decoding="async" width="648" height="377" src="https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/5-decimal-point-symbol-pip-difference-calculator.jpg" alt="5 decimal point symbol pip difference calculator" title="5 decimal point symbol pip difference calculator" srcset="https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/5-decimal-point-symbol-pip-difference-calculator.jpg 648w, https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/5-decimal-point-symbol-pip-difference-calculator-480×279.jpg 480w" sizes="(min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 480px) 480px, (min-width: 481px) 648px, 100vw" class="wp-image-18389" /></span>

<div><h3>4 Decimal Point</h3>
<p>If you select 4 decimal point symbols that will mean the last digit, on the 4th decimal place, is the pip.</p>
<p>When you calculate the pip difference the calculator will take into account that there are no pipettes. So the result will be in pips.</p>
<p>Here is an example with 4 decimal point symbols, but the price is written with 5 decimal points.</p>
<p>The pip difference calculator will take into account your definition that it is 4 digit and it will not count the last 5th digit. You will get a clean number of pips without pipette.</p></div>

<span><img decoding="async" width="648" height="377" src="https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/4-decimal-point-symbol-pip-difference-calculator.jpg" alt="4 decimal point symbol pip difference calculator" title="4 decimal point symbol pip difference calculator" srcset="https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/4-decimal-point-symbol-pip-difference-calculator.jpg 648w, https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/4-decimal-point-symbol-pip-difference-calculator-480×279.jpg 480w" sizes="(min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 480px) 480px, (min-width: 481px) 648px, 100vw" class="wp-image-18388" /></span>

<div><h3>3 Decimal Point</h3>
<p>With 3 decimal point symbols which are usually <a href="https://www.getknowtrading.com/usd-jpy-pip-range-analysis-ninja-pair/">Japanese Yen pairs</a>, you will have brokers that give you 3 decimal point charts.</p>
<p>The 3rd decimal point is the pipette so the pip difference calculator will take this into account and it will show you the pipette.</p>
<p>In this example you can see the pip difference calculator has taken only three decimal points and the last two have been removed.</p></div>

<span><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" width="650" height="377" src="https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/3-decimal-point-symbol-pip-difference-calculator.jpg" alt="3 decimal point symbol pip difference calculator" title="3 decimal point symbol pip difference calculator" srcset="https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/3-decimal-point-symbol-pip-difference-calculator.jpg 650w, https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/3-decimal-point-symbol-pip-difference-calculator-480×278.jpg 480w" sizes="(min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 480px) 480px, (min-width: 481px) 650px, 100vw" class="wp-image-18387" /></span>

<div><h3>2 Decimal Point</h3>
<p>Pip difference calculator will use only 2 decimal points if you select this symbol type. These symbol types are for the pairs that have only two decimal points.</p>
<p>In this example you can see that the calculator has removed all 3 decimal points after the second one and took only two decimal points into count.</p>
<p>So, this way you do not have pipettes in the results, but only pips.</p></div>

<span><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" width="648" height="377" src="https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/2-decimal-point-symbol-pip-difference-calculator.jpg" alt="2 decimal point symbol pip difference calculator" title="2 decimal point symbol pip difference calculator" srcset="https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/2-decimal-point-symbol-pip-difference-calculator.jpg 648w, https://www.getknowtrading.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/2-decimal-point-symbol-pip-difference-calculator-480×279.jpg 480w" sizes="(min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 480px) 480px, (min-width: 481px) 648px, 100vw" class="wp-image-18386" /></span>

<div tabindex="1" role="textbox" contenteditable="true" spellcheck="false" aria-label="Message Body" aria-multiline="true" aria-owns=":23e" aria-controls=":23e">
<p>When using a pip difference calculator you need to pay attention that this calculator is for Forex and not other markets.</p>
<p>ANd the reason is that because the contract size in Forex is defined as 100 000 units of base currency.</p>
<p>If you take <a href="https://www.getknowtrading.com/deriv-pip-calculator/">synthetic indices calculator</a> where you have contract size different, like 1 units or 10 units, you will have a different pip difference when calculating price difference.</p>


<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.getknowtrading.com/pip-difference-calculator/">Pip Difference Calculator – Get Pips from the Price</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://www.getknowtrading.com">Get Know Trading</a>.</p>

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