PayPal Pledges to Economically Empower Women

<p>PayPal isn’t just about digital <a href="">payments</a>; it’s also about
making a monetary difference in the lives of women and girls. In a world where
economic empowerment is both a buzz word, but also vitally important, the
company is pulling hard for gender equality.</p><p>Paypal – Investing in Equality</p><p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">Payments giant</a> PayPal is on a financial mission that’s not just about dollars and
cents. As part of its $108 million commitment under the <a href="">UN Generation Equality Forum</a>,
PayPal is aiming to redefine the financial narrative for women and girls.</p><p>Women have always got the short end of the financial stick and PayPal
is working with Sweef Capital and Quona Opportunity Fund on a multi-pronged
approach which aims to promote sustainable livelihoods, quality education,
decent work, good health, and economic growth, making gender equality and
diversity the cornerstones of their investments.</p><blockquote><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Nasdaq-listed payments giant PayPal has made investments in Sweef Capital’s SE Asia Women’s Economic Empowerment Fund (Sweef) and the Quona Opportunity Fund by Quona Capital. <a href=""></a></p>— DealStreetAsia (@DealStreetAsia) <a href="">October 19, 2023</a></blockquote><p>Singapore-based <a href="">Sweef Capital</a>,
led by women, aims to revamp Southeast Asia and uplift underserved markets. The
Quona Opportunity Fund is part of <a href="">Quona Capital</a>,
focusing on <a href="">fintech</a> across emerging markets and breaking down barriers to
financial services. PayPal’s backing validates the significant impact these
investments can have in empowering women and girls, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">bolstering financial inclusion and empowering local markets</a>. All good stuff.</p><p>"When women are economically empowered, they not only elevate
themselves – they also enrich their families and communities, and propel the
global economy forward," said Gabrielle Rabinovitch, PayPal's Acting
Chief Financial Officer. "Through our strategic investments in Sweef
Capital and Quona Opportunity Fund, which are committed to catalyzing enduring
change across vital global markets, we will forge new pathways of opportunity
and help advance women in the global economy."</p><p>Cherie Blair’s Challenge: Empowering One Million Women</p><p>It’s not just about the dollars; it's about the mentorship. PayPal has
long supported women entrepreneurs through the <a href="">Cherie Blair Foundation for Women</a>’s
“Mentoring Women in Business” program. Now, they're committing to join the
Foundation in its mission to support one million women entrepreneurs by 2030.</p><p>Opportunity International: A Grant for Transformation</p><p>PayPal is also putting its money where its mission is, providing a
grant to <a href="">Opportunity International</a>, a
nonprofit empowering women to overcome poverty through business programs. This
financial backing will help extend the Women THRIVE Program, aiding women in
India, Guatemala, Ghana, and The Philippines to take control of their finances
and foster inclusive economic growth.</p><p>The financial landscape is being rewritten by PayPal, and it’s not just
about money; it's about empowerment. Through these investments and
partnerships, they're turning the page on economic inequality and ensuring that
women and girls have a significant stake in the world of finance.</p>

This article was written by Louis Parks at

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