OPEC+ has taken steps to achieve 'stable' crude market in 2023

<p>OPEC Sec Gen has been on the wires this morning:</p><p><a href="https://piqsuite.com/reuters/opec-sees-healthy-growing-global-economy" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">FULL STORY</a></p><ul><li>SAYS THROUGHOUT 2023 OPEC+ TOOK PROACTIVE AND PREVENTIVE APPROACH TO ACHIEVE STABLE MARKET</li><li>OIL DEMAND CONTINUES TO RISE SIGNIFICANTLY</li><li>SAYS CHINESE ECONOMY STILL GROWING BY 4.5-5%, SLOWER THAN WHAT WE HAVE BEEN USED TO</li><li>SAYS WE STILL SEE A HEALTHY GLOBAL ECONOMY DESPITE INFLATION, CENTRAL BANK ACTION</li><li>THERES A LOT MORE ROOM FOR AVIATION DEMAND TO PICK UP</li></ul><p>(Reuters) – The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies (OPEC+) have taken a proactive and a preventative approach to achieve a stable crude market, its general secretary told the Argus European Crude Conference on Tuesday.</p><p>~ Sounds like someone is trying to pump the market (WTI down 2%)</p>

This article was written by Ryan Paisey at www.forexlive.com.

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