New Zealand election on Saturday – change of government expected – NZD impact low

<p>The election in New Zealand is on Saturday. The incumbent Labour
Party is seeking a third term but is expected to lose to the centre-right National Party/coalition
</p><p>National looks likely to win the largest proportion of votes
in the election, but polls indicate that it will need at least
one minor party, and maybe two, to form a government. Polls indicate New Zealand First, led by Winston Peters, will hold the balance of power.</p><p>We'll have a good idea of the winner soon after voting closes on Saturday and official results will be released on November 3. </p><p>—</p><p>I don't expect much NZ dollar impact come Monday's market opening (famous last words!). </p><p>National Party leader Christopher Luxon &amp; Labour Party leader Chris Hipkins</p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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