More from RBA's Bullock – monetary policy is restrictive

<p>Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Bullock is be speaking as part of a panel on "Inflation, Financial Stability and Employment". Also on the panel are Bank of England Deputy Governor Ramsden and Bank of Spain´s governor / ECB monetary policy maker de Cos.</p><p>Earlier:</p><h3 data-v-3fc6c94c=""><a data-v-3fc6c94c="" href="" target="_self">RBA Governor Bullock's uncertainty on inflation and interest rates</a></h3><h3 data-v-3fc6c94c=""><a data-v-3fc6c94c="" href="" target="_self">Bank of England's Ramsden monetary policy to be restrictive for an extended period of time</a></h3><p>More from Bullock, who is displaying a hawkish bias:</p><ul><li>monetary policy is restrictive</li><li>rate hikes are dampening demand</li><li>but demand being propped up by immigration, this has contributed to second round effects of cost rises</li><li>sticky services inflation</li><li><br></li></ul><figure data-media-><img src="" alt="Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Bullock RBA 23 October 2023" wrapper-="wrapper-" data-src="" /></figure><p><br></p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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