Key Challenges Prevalent in Traditional Payments Ecosystem with Banking-as-a-Service

<p>The As-a-Service model has significantly shifted how services are delivered and consumed. Banking as a service enables businesses in different growth stages to integrate banking services directly into their systems, making transactions and other banking activities more efficient and user-friendly.</p><p>At the 2023 Payments Innovation Forum Summit, recently held in London, Brian Lawlor, CCO of B4B Payments (pictured above), shared valuable insights and extensive experiences on 'The Need for BaaS in the Payments Ecosystem.'</p><p>Founded in 2006, <a href=";utm_medium=blog&amp;utm_campaign=finance_magnates&amp;utm_id=finance_magnates" target="_blank" rel="follow">B4B Payments </a>enables businesses to integrate banking services directly into their systems, making transactions and other banking activities more efficient and user-friendly, allowing companies to create accounts, collect and hold funds and issue multiple VIBANS.</p><p>During Brian’s presentation, he addressed the six key challenges of traditional payments that B4B Payments is addressing with Banking-as-a-Service solutions, which include:</p><p>Access to Banking for Non-Banks: BaaS lowers the barriers to entry for non-banking businesses that want to offer financial services. Through partnerships with BaaS providers like B4B Payments, companies that do not have a banking licence can still provide their customers with banking services.</p><p>Agility and Speed: Traditional banking systems are often characterised by slow and cumbersome processes. BaaS, with its digital infrastructure, allows for much faster and more agile operations. The API integrations enable businesses to quickly implement banking services and adapt to market changes with minimal delay.</p><p>Customer Experience: The traditional banking experience could be better for customers who expect seamless and instant services. BaaS enhances the customer experience by integrating banking services directly into the platforms they already use, making banking more accessible and convenient.</p><p>Cost Reduction: Establishing and maintaining a traditional banking infrastructure is expensive. BaaS allows businesses to leverage the infrastructures of existing banks alongside the automation and digitisation of services, reducing operational costs.</p><p>Scalability: Traditional banking systems are not easily scalable. BaaS, with its modular approach, allows businesses to scale their operations efficiently. They can select and integrate the services they need and easily add or remove services as their requirements change.</p><p>Regulatory Compliance: Complying with the complex regulatory requirements in banking is a significant challenge. BaaS providers often handle compliance, reducing businesses' burden and ensuring services are provided within the regulatory framework.</p><p>“B4B Payments takes a different approach to diverse use cases of BaaS across industry segments beyond Fintech or E-commerce, Telecommunications, Travel and Hospitality, Healthcare and Entertainment,” said Brian Lawlor, CCO of B4B Payments.</p><p>For more information about B4B Payments Banking-as-a-Service solutions, <a href=";utm_medium=blog&amp;utm_campaign=finance_magnates&amp;utm_id=finance_magnates" target="_blank" rel="follow">learn more here.</a></p>

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