It's Time to Claim your March 2020 Rebates

<h2><span><span>It’s time to claim your March 2020 monthly rebates: 1 pip per lot on Rebate Account or 0.5 pip per lot on Classic Account.</span></span></h2><h2><span><span></span></span></h2><span><span>To claim your rebates simply send us an email in between the 1st&nbsp; and 5th&nbsp; of each month. Please include your MT4 account number and the number of lots that you have traded.<br /><br />*Learn more on the new Cash Backs Program – <a href=""><span><b>Up to $12 Per Lot!</b></span></a><br /><br />We are available on WhatsApp +447585424285, so feel free to add us, or email us back so we can find the perfect rebate for you!<br /><br />Best regards,<br /><br />David Bergman<br />Account Manager<br />Yadix Forex Broker<br />Telephone: +44(0) 20 3239 6117<br />E-mail: [email protected]<br />Skype:</span></span>

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