Is trading right for you?

<p>You like the idea of trading because it is a way to make money without having to work hard. That is why many people are attracted to trading.</p>
<p>The reality is different.</p>
<p>Fact #1: It is likely you won't get rich quick if you trade. But you can make regular profits over the long term.</p>
<p>Fact #2 Profits from trading don't go up in a straight line. You could incur some losses before you finally become profitable.</p>
<p>Fact #3 if you cut your losses early it will be easier to recover when you get it right.</p>
<p>Fact #4 Forecasting the markets is not an exact science. If the odds are in favour of a move we cannot guarantee the move will happen.</p>
<p>Fact #5 The markets follow an Elliott wave cycle which is its natural path. The news can distort the pattern.</p>
<p>Fact #6 The news is your biggest enemy. Without news we would win all the time. Adverse news or anticipation of a major event like next week US presidential election can distort the Elliott wave pattern, can change the forecast. As a result it is recommended to reduce your risk or not to trade ahead of major events / announcements..</p>
<p>Fact #7 You must accept all of the above statements. If you do, you understand trading, and if you understand trading, with the right guidance you are likely to succeed.</p>
<p><br><strong>Special offer £10</strong> <br><br>Receive regular analysis and trade signals on FTSE 100, Dax, S&amp;P 500, EUR/USD and gold for one month. You will need to download the e-Yield app. I offer a one month trial for just £10. You can join the service here:</p>
<p><a href=";hosted_button_id=DJRXL5P8JFC9S">Launch one month trial</a></p>

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