iS Prime, SEC, ARGO and Nomura: Executive Moves of the Week

<p>This week marks significant shifts in the forex, crypto, and fintech industries, signaling a dynamic transformation in the financial technology landscape. </p><p>Key executive moves include Matteo Paganini's appointment as Group Chief Commercial Officer at ActivTrades and Hanna Chung's role as's Vietnam Country Manager. The FCA's Competition Decisions Committees see crucial additions, while Tools for Brokers' management undergoes strategic reshuffles. Additionally, oneZero witnesses pivotal changes in leadership, Chris de Sibert joins AlpFin, and Phil Hermon advances at CME Group. </p><p>Explore these noteworthy executive transitions in the forex, crypto, and fintech sectors as we delve into the evolving leadership landscape of financial technology. Stay informed about the latest developments in these dynamic industries.</p><p>Executive Moves of the Week</p><p>iS Prime’s Former Partner Jonathan Brewer Moves to Evolving
Mind</p><p>Jonathan Brewer, previously the Managing Partner at iS Prime Ltd, has taken on a new role as an Investor and Advisor at The Evolving Mind. This organization specializes in identifying and supporting children with special educational needs and neurodiversity, as noted by Brewer on his LinkedIn profile. </p><p>Brewer's career history includes significant roles in the financial industry, including his tenure at iS Prime, where he served as Managing Director, Founding Partner, and Commercial Director for over eight years. Before that, he worked as the Head of eFX Sales at Sucden Financial and held an Associate position at Goldman Sachs, where he was involved in sales of electronic trading and clearing services for listed derivatives and FX to top-tier institutions across various sectors.</p><p>SEC Appoints Kate E. Zoladz as Regional Director in Los Angeles </p><p>The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced the appointment of Kate E. Zoladz as the Regional Director of its Los Angeles Office, effective from December 3, 2023. Zoladz, a seasoned professional who has been with the SEC since 2010 and previously served as the Associate Regional Director for Enforcement, will lead a team responsible for securities enforcement and compliance in several western US regions. </p><p>Kate Zoladz's extensive background in securities litigation and compliance positions her as a valuable asset in the SEC's mission to safeguard investors. Her appointment reflects the SEC's commitment to upholding regulatory standards and protecting the interests of the investing public.</p><p>Argo Blockchain Welcomes
New CEO</p><p>Argo Blockchain PLC has announced the appointment of Thomas Chippas as its new Chief Executive Officer. Chippas, with a substantial background in digital assets and financial services, brings a wealth of experience to Argo. His impressive career includes notable positions at CBOE Digital, Citadel Technology LLC, and several major banks.</p><p>"Tom
is a proven technology and financial leader who will work with the Argo
leadership team to drive operational excellence and stakeholder value," Matthew
Shaw, the Chairman of <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">Argo </a>commented.</p><p>The arrival of Chippas signifies Argo Blockchain's commitment to leadership with deep expertise in the digital asset and financial sectors. His extensive industry knowledge positions him to steer the company towards continued success and growth.</p><p>Nomura Strengthens QIS
Team with New Appointment</p><p>Nomura International plc has appointed Jérôme Brochard as the Global Head of QIS Structuring and EMEA Head of QIS Distribution. Brochard, a seasoned professional with more than 25 years of industry experience, comes to Nomura from Credit Suisse. In his new role, he will lead the development and distribution of Nomura's Quantitative Investment Strategies (QIS), aligning with the company's strategic initiative to diversify its product offerings and enhance client engagement in the QIS domain. </p><p>John Goff, the Global Head of Structuring at Nomura, expressed confidence in Brochard's extensive experience and expertise in quantitative investment strategies, highlighting how this appointment positions Nomura for greater capabilities and enhanced client relations in the QIS field.</p>

This article was written by Tom Hazan at

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