Introducing Robo-CEO, the World’s Worst Boss

<p>Dictador, a Polish drinks company, has “appointed” Mika, an AI-powered
robot CEO as it plans to dominate the world, or at least the Polish drinks market.</p><p>Robo-CEO</p><p>In the ever-evolving landscape of corporate leadership, one company has
taken a bold leap into the future. Dictador, a Polish drinks company, has taken
a bold step forward, or has perhaps started the slide into <a href="">bankruptcy</a>, <a href="">by
appointing an AI-powered robot CEO</a> named Mika. Appointed in August, Mika
has been fizzing up the traditional role of a CEO.</p><p>Positioning “herself” as possibly the world’s worst boss, Mika scoffs
at luxuries such as weekends and time off. "I don't really have weekends —
I'm always on 24/7, ready to make executive decisions and stir up some AI
magic," Mika proudly declared in a Reuters video interview. Fun times at Dictador, then?</p><p>Data-Driven Decisions</p><p>Mika's responsibilities are as diverse as they are demanding. From
identifying potential clients to curating artists for the designing of rum
bottles, Mika is at the helm, tirelessly steering the company towards world
domination, ala “her” close relative, <a href="">Skynet</a>. Mika’s
decision-making process is a coming together of data analysis and strategic
alignment, devoid of personal bias, ensuring that every choice is in the best
interest of the organization.</p><p>But fear not, humans, Mika isn't here to replace you. Major decisions
at Dictador remain firmly in the hands of human executives. According to Marek
Szoldrowski, European President of Dictador, Mika complements the team by
leading innovative projects, such as the Arthouse Spirits
decentralized-autonomous-organization project and engaging with the DAO
community. But then he would say that if the machines had taken over the company, wouldn't he?</p><p>Mika is a more sophisticated sibling of the famed AI robot Sophia,
created by <a href="">Hanson Robotics</a>. While
Sophia has captured global attention through countless media interviews, Mika
is quietly working toward world domination.</p><p>Dictador isn't alone in its CEO-bot experiment. Last year, a Chinese
gaming firm appointed an "AI-powered virtual humanoid robot" named
Tang Yu as the chief executive of a subsidiary, Fujian NetDragon Websoft. The era of the
robo-CEO has dawned, and it's, frankly, terrifying.</p><p>We at <a href="">Finance Magnates</a>
welcome our machine overlords.</p>

This article was written by Louis Parks at

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