Imminent USD Top – Everything Else Goes Up

<p>Ya everything except gold. Lol.</p>

<p>Before I even start&#8230;..quickly ask yourself &#8220;what person under the age of 40 do you think will ever EVER EEEEVER in their lifetime consider buying gold?&#8221; Go ahead&#8230;ask your kids&#8230;ask your grand kids. See what they say / know.</p>

<p>Don&#8217;t you get it? It&#8217;s a dead asset. With the advent of Bitcoin ( a digital gold with a finite supply and no means to manipulate ) there&#8217;s not a millennial on the planet that even cares or knows gold&#8217;s current price, let alone is &#8220;pining away for an entry&#8221;. </p>

<p>It&#8217;s done. It&#8217;s over. It&#8217;s been replaced. Stop looking at it and move on.</p>

<div><figure><img loading="lazy" width="650" height="433" src=";ssl=1" alt="" class="wp-image-6833" srcset=";ssl=1 717w,;ssl=1 300w" sizes="(max-width: 650px) 100vw, 650px" data-recalc-dims="1" /></figure></div>

<p>The U.S Dollar Topping out as I write. You serious can&#8217;t make this up. I come out of hiding / throw out a bone and literally &#8220;nail it on the day&#8221;? It&#8217;s the same thing over &#8216;n over &#8216;n over n&#8217; over.</p>

<p>When RISK is off ie&#8230;..Russia blowing the shit out of Ukraine and the continued fallout of millions of people out of work due to Covid, people freak out and &#8220;sell their assets&#8221; = right? So which currency do you think benefits from this &#8220;macro move&#8221;? Do I need to spell it out? UUUUU&#8230;.SSSSSS&#8230;..DDDD.</p>


<p>When RISK is back on&#8230;;s simply the opposite. US Dollars flood &#8220;out of people&#8217;s bank accounts&#8221; and &#8220;in to stocks / crypto / risk assets in general&#8221; ya? You get it? There&#8217;s really only one trade&#8230;fear = usd up / greed = usd down.</p>

<p>I assume The Fed does it&#8217;s thing on Wednesday, fear subsides and it&#8217;s all rainbows &#8216;n sunshine for the rest of the year. Maybe we get outta dodge late November, but let&#8217;s take things one step at a time.</p>

<p>You can ask me questions you know&#8230;don&#8217;t be afraid. I don&#8217;t bite &#8211; hard.</p>




<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Imminent USD Top &#8211; Everything Else Goes Up</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Forex Trading With Kong</a>.</p>

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