iFX Expo 2021 Leading Brokers to the Future
<h2>At the Cyprus Forex Expo, this October 5th and 6th, Leverate was present at booth #1 and gave out 15 drones.</h2>
<p>We are breaking down in this article what happened during Leverate’s participation at the IFX international conference and why Leverate is the preferred home for anyone looking to <a href="https://leverate.com/how-to-open-a-forex-brokerage/">start a Forex brokerage firm</a>.</p>
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<p><strong>Those who dropped by Leverate’s iFX Expo booth got to :</strong></p>
<ul><li>Receive personalized service and a rundown of Leverate’s unique technological solutions.</li><li>Get a bird’ eye view of the brokerage industry’s future.</li><li>Have a one-on-one with our sales vice president <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/all/?keywords=maoz%20tenenbaum&origin=RICH_QUERY_SUGGESTION&position=0&searchId=ec8269cf-0515-4afc-9173-fee2e3fcf23e&sid=TcH">Maoz Tenenbaum</a>, our sales manager <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/all/?keywords=jonty%20zwebner&origin=RICH_QUERY_SUGGESTION&position=0&searchId=8e9a062f-f194-45b8-904d-c9648cd10c25&sid=LF)">Jonathan Zwebner</a>, and our biz dev <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/maya-kenner-fitoussi-b29a1514/">Maya Kenner</a>.</li><li>Participate in our raffle to win a brand new DJI drone.</li></ul>
<h2>iFX Expo Cyprus, What Was Leverate Presenting?</h2>
<p>iFX Expo has a long history of making bridges between the Middle East, Europe, and Asia, which makes it the most trusted trade show for thousands of retail & institutional brokers, technology & <a href="https://leverate.com/liquidity-provider/">liquidity providers</a>, payment service providers, banks, affiliates & IBs, regulators & compliance, as well as crypto and blockchain brands.</p>
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<p>At the Cyprus Forex Expo, Leverate showed what the future of the industry will look like. We worked day and night to create the perfect set of brokerage tools and connections.</p>
<p><br><strong>Here is Leverate’s new & improved list of goodies:</strong></p>
1. Automations:<ul><li>a. Automated Conversion & Retention.</li><li>b. Automated Marketing & Notification Center.</li><li>c. Automated Call Monitoring – improves the quality of the call center.</li><li>d. Automated KYC (Know Your Customer) verify traders more efficiently.</li></ul>
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<p>2. FireStorm – Affiliate management software to monitor traffic, get reports, manage multiple sources, automate billing, and lead distribution.</p>
<p>3. <a href="https://leverate.com/sirix/">Sirix trading platform </a>– Our award-winning trading platform, with many improvements, a smooth user experience, and an intuitive interface.</p>
<p>4. <a href="https://leverate.com/guidelines-for-choosing-a-psp-2/">Payment Solutions</a> – We hold the best solutions for your payment processing.</p>
<p>5. Ultimate Client Dashboard – Designed to give the best trading experience, educational packages, signals & indicators.</p>
<p>6. Social Trading – Improved and modified top copy trading system.</p>
<h2>Cyprus Forex Expo, Where Were We?</h2>
<p>Leverate was at booth #1 between the Welcome Lounge in the center of area A and the Cloakroom. Leverate also sponsored the Cloakroom entrance. </p>
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<h2>iFX Expo Cyprus Aftermath</h2>
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<p>Leverate had 780 people participating in its raffle. As a result, we gave away 15 state-of-the-art DJI drones on our booth. Additionally, for two days, we spoke to hundreds of people who wanted to know more about the future of brokerage technology. We established 150 new partnerships. It’s not over; we still have 15 more new drones to give to registered participants who weren’t physically there.</p>
<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="https://leverate.com/finance-magnets-cyprus-ifx-expo-2021/">iFX Expo 2021 </br>Leading Brokers to the Future</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="https://leverate.com">Leverate</a>.</p>
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