FX option expiries for 29 June 10am New York cut

<p>There are some large expiries to be mindful of for the day ahead, as highlighted in bold.</p><p>The first ones being for EUR/USD and that is likely to keep price action more trapped between 1.0800 and 1.0900. The latter in particular is likely to offer a bit of a cap alongside the key hourly moving averages around 1.0918-30.</p><p>Meanwhile, the large ones for USD/JPY at 144.00 to 144.50 is also likely to help maintain a narrower range for the pair before rolling off later today. That said, just remember that we are getting closer to intervention territory for Japanese officials so there is that to factor into any sudden push towards 145.00 in the sessions ahead.</p><p>For more information on how to use this data, you may refer to this post <a href="https://www.forexlive.com/Education/!/forexlive-education-option-contracts-their-impact-and-how-to-trade-off-them-20161116/" target="_blank" rel="follow">here</a>.</p>

This article was written by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com.

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