FX option expiries for 20 November 10am New York cut

<p>There are a few decent-sized ones on the board for today but none that should be too significant as seen above. As such, trading sentiment will largely be dictated by the flows and risk mood in the sessions ahead. For now, the dollar is on the softer side with the stronger Chinese yuan helping out the antipodeans while risk tones are more tentative.</p><p>The expiries board won't feature too much into play but we could get more interesting ones later in the week.</p><p>For more information on how to use this data, you may refer to this post <a href="https://www.forexlive.com/Education/!/forexlive-education-option-contracts-their-impact-and-how-to-trade-off-them-20161116/" target="_blank" rel="follow">here</a>.</p>

This article was written by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com.

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