FMLS:23 Speaker Spotlight – From 2023 Tech Setbacks to 2024 Talent Triumphs

<p>2023 has seen a rather large transformation in terms of technology and talent in the B2B industry. There has been no share of ups and downs over the past several months, which warrants further analysis. This trend will be emphasized at the upcoming Finance Magnates London Summit (FMLS), which is right around the corner!</p><p>FMLS will take place on November 20-22 – the landmark event will formally kick off with the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">annual Networking Blitz Opening Party</a>, followed by two full days of curated panels, workshops, fireside chats, seminars, and more.</p><p>The biggest event of the Fall is also one of the industry’s most unique, providing a forum where truly anything can happen. Now in its eleventh year of operation, FMLS always draws the industry’s biggest names and talent. Prospective attendees can also expect to engage and network with upwards of 150+ distinguished speakers, 120+ exhibitors, and much more. </p><p>With FMLS just one month away, the time to register and reserve your seat is now. Prospective attendees can access the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">following link</a> and join the conversation surrounding FMLS:23.</p><p>Technology Challenges Paving the Way for Future Opportunities?</p><p>One of the most anticipated panels of FMLS:23 will be the upcoming session, ‘From 2023 Tech Setbacks to 2024 Talent Triumphs’. The informative panel will feature the following star-studded speakers:</p><ul><li>(Moderator) Nadia Edwards-Dashti, Chief Customer Officer, Harrington Starr</li><li>Felicity Graham, Talent Acquisition Manager, Confluence</li><li>Chris Yea, Head of Talent, Hokodo</li><li>Sophie Theen, COO &amp; Advisor, Paydock</li><li>Michelle Rockson, People Partner, TrueLayer</li></ul><p>The panel will address some of the most pertinent and burning questions currently facing the industry. Of course, this comes amid a backdrop of highly visible technology layoffs, which has already necessitated a recalibration in the talent landscape.</p><p>Indeed, there remain a number of challenges related to attracting talent to businesses this year that also threatens to spill into 2024. Can we effectively navigate this issue or will this headwind create a full blown crisis?</p><p>Taking a broader look at this space also sheds light on the way talent is evaluated or invested in within our enterprises. Panelists will look to answer, as we look ahead to 2024, what developments await the world of talent?</p><p>In addition to this panel, FMLS:23 will be featuring its largest content track to date. This will focus on a total of four industry verticals including the online trading, blockchain &amp; digital assets, payments, and fintech space. </p><p>With FMLS:23 on pace for a record attendance, this is one event you cannot afford to miss! Make sure to familiarize yourself with the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">full agenda</a> ahead of the event.</p><p>London Summit Award 2023 Nominations Still Open – Nominate Your Brand Today!</p><p>Beyond content, many attendees are eagerly awaiting the annual London Summit Awards 2023 <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">ceremony</a>, which recognize the best performing and most innovative brands of 2023. Nominations for this year’s awards are still open, with competition heating up. Have you nominated your brand?</p><p>These honors rank as the most distinguished in the entire industry, with London Summit Awards representing a class and distinction of their own. These titles are rewarded solely by industry peers and a transparent voting process.</p><p>This year, a total of twenty-four award categories are set to be given out across the online trading, fintech, payments, and digital assets space. Looking to nominate your brand? With only one month to go, the time to make your voice heard is now, and that starts with nominating the best performing brands of 2023. The full terms and conditions of the awards process can be read by the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">following link</a>. </p><p>The path to glory starts with the nomination round where brands are nominated in various categories and will last until November 5, followed by the online voting round that will begin shortly after. </p><p>See you in London next month!</p>

This article was written by Jeff Patterson at

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