FlexTrade's EMS Integrates with Anima for Enhanced Analytics

<p>The Italian
asset management firm Anima Alternative SGR has adopted a new analytics suite
from financial services company Kepler Cheuvreux (KCx). The KCx API Analytical Suite provides stock-specific forecasts and analytics, such as
volume, volatility, and spread predictions. </p><p>Anima Integrates with
FlexTrade for Enhanced Analytics</p><p>Anima is
accessing the tool by integrating with FlexTrade Systems' FlexTRADER
execution management system (EMS). Through FlexTRADER's open API, Anima's
traders can view KCx's <a href="https://www.financemagnates.com/terms/a/analytics/">analytics</a> directly in FlexTRADER's order blotter. They
can also use the data to power automated trading strategies with FlexTRADER's
FlexAlgoWheel tool.</p><p>“Our
existing clients, like Anima, increasingly want differentiated sources of
dynamic, high-fidelity pre-trade analytics to combine with and enrich their
trading data,” Andy Mahoney, the Managing Director of EMEA at FlexTrade, noted.
“Offerings like KCx’s new analytical suite are a perfect match for FlexTRADER
integration aims to give Anima's traders enhanced information to optimize
executions. Alerts can notify traders if orders are unlikely to fill based on
KCx's volume forecasts.</p><p>“We aim to
ensure that Anima’s trading team is at the forefront of adopting innovations
that deliver the actionable intelligence our teams need to optimize trading
decision-making,” added Brian Corcoran, the Head of Trading at Anima Alternative.</p><p>Anima
Alternative SGR is an asset manager within the Italian firm Anima Holding S.p.A.,
which manages around €186 billion. Kepler Cheuvreux is an independent European
broker based in Paris. FlexTrade provides <a href="https://www.financemagnates.com/terms/e/execution/">execution</a> management systems for
trading equities, fixed income, forex and derivatives.</p><p>FlexTrade's Strategic
Partnerships and Advancements</p><p>In
December, the company formed a strategic partnership <a href="https://www.financemagnates.com/institutional-forex/flextrade-and-lseg-join-forces-to-elevate-multi-asset-trading-platform/" target="_blank" rel="follow">with the London Stock
Exchange Group</a>. This collaboration is set to enhance the trading experience by
providing FlexTrade's FlexTRADER EMS clients with seamless access to LSEG's
FXall, a leading electronic trading platform for global currency products.</p><p>Just two
weeks before this alliance, FlexTrade announced <a href="https://www.financemagnates.com/institutional-forex/flextrade-adds-ai-broker-selection-through-bton-deal/" target="_blank" rel="follow">an integration with BTON
Financial</a>, a company specializing in data collaboration and order routing
technology. This integration introduces AI-driven broker selection suggestions
from BTON to FlexTrade's FlexTRADER EMS platform, aiming to optimize execution
performance. </p><p>In
November, acknowledging the challenges of technology and market fragmentation
in the industry, <a href="https://www.financemagnates.com/executives/flextrade-hires-fintech-expert-as-head-of-fixed-income-sales/" target="_blank" rel="follow">FlexTrade welcomed Michael Kovach</a> as the Head of Fixed Income
Sales in the Americas. </p><p>Before
that, the company <a href="https://www.financemagnates.com/institutional-forex/tradefeedr-to-provide-fx-data-to-flextrade-systems/" target="_blank" rel="follow">partnered with Tradefeedr</a>, a foreign exchange data analytics
provider. This partnership aims to optimize FX trading workflows by integrating
Tradefeedr's FX pre-trade forecast data into FlexTrade's FlexTRADER EMS

This article was written by Damian Chmiel at www.financemagnates.com.

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