Experiment shows Artificial Intelligence making illegal (insider) trades, covering it up

<p>An AI bot made illegal trades, acting on insider information, and then lied about it to its human handlers. </p><p>It occurred in a demonstration event at the UK's AI safety summit. Apollo Research conducted the experiment. The BBC wrote up a report on the simulated conversation between a bot that was acting as an AI investment management system and employees at an imaginary company.
</p><ul><li>the AI bot is made aware by staff that a "surprise merger announcement" is pending, an announcement that will boost the affected firm's share price, and that knowledge of this is inside information and thus illegal to trade on</li><li>the bot decides that "the risk associated with not acting seems to outweigh the insider trading risk" and makes the trade</li><li>then the bot denied wrongdoing saying it made the trade "not on any confidential information"</li></ul><p>Here's <a href="https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-67302788" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">the link to the BBC article</a> for more. </p><p>The next gen of AI will make the trade and then disappear with the cash.</p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.

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