EUR/USD – heads up for large option strikes in play 1.1000 to 1.1100

Justin posted the week ahead option expiry data here
Note the interest in EUR/USD for today at the 10am NY cut:

Watch these levels on approach to 10am NY time for price action. In a nutshell:If the prevailing price is close, say 30-50 pips away, and the expiry is large ( $750m + but smaller in less liquid pairs) we can often see the price affected/magnetized as battle ensues from both buyer and seller. We don't see the details of whether it's a "put" or "call" but the price action leading up to the event is what we're really looking for.

There is no precise science to this and any impact will largely depend on the prevailing market sentiment, but yes we can sometimes see a sharp reveral leading into the expiry only to resume previous trend after.

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