Economist poll now sees the Bank of England cutting rates in Q3 2024

<p>Reuters is out with a poll of UK economists and they now see a soon start to the BOE rate cutting cycle.</p><p>The next BOE meeting is on Dec 14 and 68 of 69 economists see no change in the 5.25% with one seeing a 25 bps cut (there's always one).</p><p>Where the poll gets interesting is in Q2 where 24 of 62 economists now see a cut; that rises to a majority in Q3. Moreover, the median sees 50 bps of cutting in Q3 compared to just 25 bps in a poll last month.</p><p>Markets see a 50% chance of a cut in June and a cut is fully priced in for the August 1 meeting with a second cut priced in for November and a good chance of another in December, totalling 62 bps of easing priced in.</p>

This article was written by Adam Button at

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