DMALINK and Commerzbank Forge Partnership for Cross-Currency Solutions

a provider of institutional FX trading services, has announced the live
integration of Commerzbank, which will electronically stream prices onto the
platform. </p><p>DMALINK's
Data-Driven FX Services with Commerzbank Integration</p><p>This
collaboration comes at a strategic juncture to expand cross-currency product
support for specific global clients, complementing the existing USD-based
currency pairs.</p><p>Michael
Siwek, the Founder and Chief Revenue Officer at DMALINK stated: “When considering a
market maker for our ecosystem we strive to provide tangible value for our
clients in respect to geographical location, depth of book, quote and other
pivotal criteria. Commerzbank strategically aligns with these prerequisites,
enhancing liquidity within our ecosystem."</p><p>Tibor
Gergely, the Head of eFX Liquidity at Commerzbank, shared: "We're excited to
provide our liquidity to DMALINK. Our data-driven approach to liquidity
provision allows Commerzbank to consistently optimize the trading experience
for our clients, aiming for greater accessibility via venues to support their
day-to-day business.”</p><p>DMALINK
is developing its foreign exchange trading services across spot, supporting T+0
settlement through its API and GUI service, as well as VOICE. The inclusion of
Commerzbank aligns with its roadmap to meet client demand across regions, according
to the firm.</p><p>Manu
Choudhary, the CEO at DMALINK, concluded: “We're thrilled to confirm Commerzbank's
partnership with us. This addition, driven by ongoing client demand, aligns
with our core objective of providing data-driven institutional FX liquidity in
various trade sizes to users accessing primary markets efficiently.”</p><p><a href="">DMALINK</a> has expanded
its Scandinavian currency options by collaborating with Danske Bank A/S.
This venture enables DMALINK's buy-side clients to access targeted liquidity
for Scandinavian currencies. </p><p>"Scandinavian
currencies such as DKK, NOK, and SEK are important to our clients' portfolio.
Users can access Danske Bank's tailored pricing across pre-set liquidity pools,
underpinned by advanced analytics," Siwek commented. </p><p>DMALINK Expands Global Code of
Conduct for eFX Market Makers</p><p>Earlier, <a href="">Finance Magnates</a> reported that <a href="">DMALINK
had expanded its global code of conduct order matching feature</a> for eFX
market makers. Following a beta test in early 2022, the move was endorsed by
selected counterparties from the trial. </p><p>Although the code was voluntary,
DMALINK's Siwek, saw it as a positive step, offering benefits
such as the implementation of key metrics like a quote-to-order ratio.</p><p>The expansion has
been involved code-adhering market makers categorized by regions and currencies
to meet institutional client demand, aiming to enhance liquidity provision and
broaden parameters for prudent liquidity utilization this year.</p><p>Ashwind Soonarane,
DMALINK's COO, emphasized that the code of conduct facilitates collaboration
between market makers and clients, forming a benchmark for sustainable eFX
execution practices. </p><p>DMALINK has been
strengthening its presence in eFX, onboarding Crédit Agricole CIB to its FX
platform, ensuring custom eFX pricing for clients due to this partnership
driven by increased buy-side demand. In February 2022, the company expanded its
advisory team with the appointments of Greg Myes and Thomas Soede, focusing on
building the firm's foreign exchange and digital assets footprint.</p>

This article was written by Tareq Sikder at

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