China says 2024 will be a better year for economy despite headwinds

<p>Chinese state media with the headlines expressing optimism from the Central Finance Office for the year ahead:</p><ul><li>
China's economy in 2024 faces more opportunities than challenges</li><li>Favourable conditions are stronger than unfavourable factors</li></ul><p>The headlines hitting new sources without further detail. </p><p>Perhaps the comments are for domestic consumption? It'll take more than this to dispel doubts over the condition facing China's economy, conditions such as weak domestic demand and a property sector staying on the canvas due to the debt disaster. </p><p>More … here we go, they read my mind:</p><ul><li>
There are blockages in the economic cycle domestically, demand
insufficient, consumption and enterprise investment willingness not
strong enough </li></ul><ul><li>
Macroeconomic policies will continue to provide support for economic
recovery – state media</li><li>Issuance of an
additional 1 trillion yuan of treasury bonds this year, as well as
cuts in interest rates, tax and fee cuts and other policy effects
will continue into next year</li></ul><ul><li>
Prices are low in China, central government debt levels are not high,
and conditions are in place to strengthen implementation of monetary
and fiscal policies</li><li>China still has many
favourable conditions for attracting foreign investment</li><li>With the concerted
efforts of all parties, the policy objectives of real estate risk
prevention and market stabilisation can be fully achievable

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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