Bostic: Open to cutting rates before July if convincing evidence of slower inflation

<ul><li>Open to starting rate cut before July if there is convincing evidence inflation is is long faster than he anticipates</li><li>Repeat baseline is for rate reductions starting in Q3, with care needed not to cut Toussaint and risk renewed demand and price pressures</li><li>size possibility conflicts around the world. Again complicate supply chains, risk that US budget fights and elections could affect the economy, and the financial markets</li><li>Gven uncertainty, unwise for event to mark in any approach at this point</li></ul><p>Bostic has been more hawkish. Policy is a voting member on the 2024 FOMC Board. The market – despite the back up in yields recently – is still pushing for a cut sooner than the summer.</p><p>US stocks had dipped a bit:</p><ul><li>S&amp;P index is now up 10.27 points or 0.21% at 4749.23</li><li>NASDAQ index is up 118 points or 0.79% at 14972</li></ul><p>US yields are higher with the longer end up more than the shorter end.</p><ul><li>2 year yield 4.369% +1.5 basis points</li><li>10 year yield 4.149% +4.6 basis point</li><li>30-year yield 4.378% +6.6 basis points</li></ul><p>The 2-30 year yield value is back into positive territory at 0.9 basis points. The 2-10 year spread is higher but still negative at -22 basis. point. </p>

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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