BOJ financial system report says Japan's financial system remains stable as a whole

Japan's financial system remains stable as a whole says the report. This is significant, as an argument often put forward to curtail easy monetary policy is that financial system imbalances and instability are increasing. This finding would seem to refute this argument (if you can trust a central bank review like this). More (Headlines via Reuters):

financial intermediation is being fulfilled smoothly, underpinned by
financial institutions' sound healthJapan's financial system to remain 'highly
robust' even if resurgence of covid, rise in US long-term rates hit
economy, marketsin event of substantial, rapid adjustment
in markets, hit to financial institutions' health could exert
downward pressure on economyUkraine crisis on Japan's financial system
likely to be limited for now but high uncertainty on future
developmentsattention should be paid to chance impact
of Ukraine crisis on financial system will become largerdelay in Japan's recovery could have
adverse effect on loans to firms that had been hit hard by the

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