Bid Ask Spread Calculator




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cursor: pointer;

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font-size: 16px;

label {
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input[type="text"] {
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input[type="submit"] {
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font-weight: bold;
width: 100%;

.result {
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font-size: 20px;
margin-bottom: 10px;

.output-field {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-radius: 4px;
padding: 8px;
margin-bottom: 10px;

.pip-label {
display: inline-block;
font-weight: bold;
margin-right: 5px;

.currency {
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.default-value {
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form input[type="number"],
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<label for="bid-price">Bid Price:</label>
<input type="text" name="bid-price" placeholder="Enter Bid price" value="0">
<label for="Ask-price">Ask Price:</label>
<input type="text" name="Ask-price" placeholder="Enter Ask price" value="0">


<span>Spread: </span>
<span>Margin: </span>
<span>Mid price: </span>
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Calculate">

const form = document.querySelector('#pip-form');
const outputDiv1 = document.querySelector('.output-field .spread');
const outputDiv2 = document.querySelector('.output-field .margin');
const outputDiv3 = document.querySelector('.output-field .midprice');
const warningDiv = document.querySelector('.warning');

form.addEventListener('submit', (e) => {

const bidPrice = form.elements['bid-price'].value.replace(',', '.');
const askPrice = form.elements['Ask-price'].value.replace(',', '.');

if (bidPrice.includes(',') || askPrice.includes(',')) {
warningDiv.innerText = 'Please use a dot instead of a comma for the point value';
outputDiv1.innerHTML = '';

const decimalPlaces = bidPrice.split('.')[1]?.length || 0;

let spreadDiff = (parseFloat(askPrice) – parseFloat(bidPrice)).toFixed(decimalPlaces);
let margin = ((parseFloat(askPrice) – parseFloat(bidPrice)) / parseFloat(askPrice) * 100).toFixed(decimalPlaces);
let midprice = (parseFloat(askPrice) – spreadDiff / 2).toFixed(decimalPlaces);

outputDiv1.innerHTML = `<span>${spreadDiff}</span>`;
outputDiv2.innerHTML = `<span>${margin}%</span>`;
outputDiv3.innerHTML = `<span>${midprice}</span>`;
warningDiv.innerText = '';

<div><p><strong>Bid Ask Spread <a href="">Calculator in Forex</a></strong> gives you the information what is the spread, a price difference between Ask price and Bid Price.</p>
<p><strong>Read more: <a href="">What is Spread in Forex</a></strong></p>
<p>Additionally, bid ask spread calculator gives you the margin in percentage.</p>
<p>Mid price is the price between Ask price and Bid price and you calculate mid price by dividing spread by 2 and then adding that to the Ask price.</p>
<p><strong>Read more: <a href="">What is Bid and Ask Price in Forex</a></strong></p></div>

<div><iframe title="Bid Ask Spread Calculator – Calculate Spread, Margin and Mid price" width="1080" height="608" src="" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>


<div><h2>Bid Ask Spread Calculator</h2>
<p>Bid Ask spread calculator requires two pieces of information to calculate spread and those are Bid price and Ask price.</p>
<p>When you enter them the bid ask spread calculator will calculate spread, margin and mid price.</p>
<p>These three values are important in trading because you will see what is the cost of opening an order, spread, and what is the margin in percentage.</p>
<p>Mid price is the price between Bid and Ask which I will show you later how to calculate.</p></div>

<div><h2>Bid-Ask Spread Formula</h2>
<p>Formula for Bid Ask Spread calculation is:</p>
<p><strong>Spread = Ask &#8211; Bid</strong></p>
<p>It is a simple formula where you are searching for a difference between two prices.</p>
<p><strong>Read more:<a href=""> What is Spread in Forex</a></strong></p>
<h3>Margin Formula</h3>
<p>Second formula in the Bid Ask Spread calculator is margin which is calculated in percentage.</p>
<p><strong>Margin (%) = [<span><span><span><span><span><span>(</span><span>A</span><span>s</span><span>k</span><span>−</span><span>B</span><span>i</span><span>d</span><span>) / </span></span><span><span><span>A</span><span>s</span><span>k] </span></span></span></span></span><span>×</span><span>100</span></span></span></strong></p>
<p><strong>Read more: <a href="">What is Margin in Forex</a></strong></p></div>

<div><h2>How Do You Calculate Mid Price From Bid-Ask?</h2>
<p>Mid price from Bid-Ask difference is the price between Bid price and Ask price. The price difference is equally far away from the Bid and Ask price.</p>
<p>The formula used is this one:</p>
<p><strong>Mid price = Ask price &#8211; (Spread / 2)</strong></p>
<h3>Mid Price Example</h3>
<p>If you have Bid price and Ask price equal to:</p>
<li>Bid price = 1.07174</li>
<li>Ask Price = 1.07189</li>
<p><strong>Spread = Ask &#8211; Bid</strong></p>
<p><strong>Spread = 1.07189 &#8211; 1.07174 </strong></p>
<p><strong>Spread = 0.00015</strong></p>
<p>Mid price is calculated like this:</p>
<p><strong>Mid price = Ask price &#8211; (Spread / 2)</strong></p>
<p><strong>Mid price = 1.07189 &#8211; (0.00015 / 2)</strong></p>
<p><strong>Mid price = 1.07189 &#8211; (0.000075)</strong></p>
<p><strong>Mid price = 1.071815</strong></p>
<p>Now, let&#8217;s see this calculation with the Bid Ask spread calculator.</p></div>

<span><img decoding="async" width="652" height="332" src="" alt="Bid Ask spread calculator example" title="Bid Ask spread calculator example" srcset=" 652w,×244.jpg 480w" sizes="(min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 480px) 480px, (min-width: 481px) 652px, 100vw" class="wp-image-18451" /></span>

<div><h3>Second Example on the Chart</h3>
<p>Now here is another example with the chart from the trading platform.</p>
<h4>Mid Price Example</h4>
<p>If you have Bid price and Ask price equal to:</p>
<li>Bid price = 1.12692</li>
<li>Ask Price = 1.12705</li>
<p><strong>Spread = Ask &#8211; Bid</strong></p>
<p><strong>Spread = 1.12705 &#8211; 1.12692 </strong></p>
<p><strong>Spread = 0.00013</strong></p>
<p>Mid price is calculated like this:</p>
<p><strong>Mid price = Ask price &#8211; (Spread / 2)</strong></p>
<p><strong>Mid price = 1.12705 &#8211; (0.00013 / 2)</strong></p>
<p><strong>Mid price = 1.12705 &#8211; (0.000065)</strong></p>
<p><strong>Mid price = 1.126985 ~ 1.12699</strong></p></div>

<span><img decoding="async" width="583" height="468" src="" alt="Bid Ask spread calculator example_1" title="Bid Ask spread calculator example chart" srcset=" 583w,×385.jpg 480w" sizes="(min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 480px) 480px, (min-width: 481px) 583px, 100vw" class="wp-image-18454" /></span>

<div><p>Now, let&#8217;s see this calculation with the Bid Ask spread calculator.</p></div>

<span><img decoding="async" width="646" height="332" src="" alt="Bid Ask spread calculator example_1" title="Bid Ask spread calculator example_1" srcset=" 646w,×247.jpg 480w" sizes="(min-width: 0px) and (max-width: 480px) 480px, (min-width: 481px) 646px, 100vw" class="wp-image-18455" /></span>

<p>Bid Ask spread calculator is three in one calculator because you get spread, margin in percentage and mid price calculation.</p>
<p>You need Bid and Ask price from the <a href="">trading platform</a> and you can easily calculate <a href="">Forex basics</a> calculation like spread which is the difference between Ask price and Bid price.</p>
<p>If you are a <a href="">beginner in Forex trading</a> or experienced trader, this bid ask spread calculator is a useful tool in calculating spread, margin in percentage and mid price.</p></div>


<p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Bid Ask Spread Calculator</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Get Know Trading</a>.</p>

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