Bayer wins latest Roundup cancer trial, ending losing streak By Reuters

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<span>© Reuters. FILE PHOTO: Logo of Bayer AG is pictured at the annual results news conference of the German drugmaker in Leverkusen, Germany February 27, 2019. REUTERS/Wolfgang Rattay/File Photo</span><br />
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<p>By Brendan Pierson</p>
<p>(Reuters) &#8211; Bayer (OTC:) has won a trial in a lawsuit brought by a California man who said he developed cancer from exposure to its Roundup weedkiller, ending what had been a five-trial losing streak for the company in trials over similar claims.</p>
<p>The verdict was handed down on Friday by a jury in San Benito County, California Superior Court, Bayer announced. The company said in a statement that the verdict was &#8220;consistent with the evidence in this case that Roundup does not cause cancer and is not responsible for the plaintiff&#8217;s illness.&#8221;</p>
<p>Lawyers for plaintiff Bruce Jones did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Like most plaintiffs in Roundup lawsuits, Jones alleged that the product caused him to develop a form of cancer called non-Hodgkin lymphoma.</p>
<p>Around 165,000 claims have been made against the company for personal injuries allegedly caused by Roundup, which Bayer acquired as part of its $63 billion purchase of U.S. agrochemical company <span itemscope="" itemtype=""><span itemprop="name"> Monsanto </span></span> (NYSE:) in 2018.</p>
<p>Before its recent string of losses, which produced verdicts against the company totaling more than $2 billion, Bayer had won nine consecutive trials, meaning it has now won 10 of the last 15 trials. Further cases are expected to be tried in the coming year.</p>
<p>Bayer is appealing the verdicts against it, which include large punitive damages awards that are likely to be reduced because they exceed U.S. Supreme Court guidance.</p>
<p>The losses had led some investors to question Bayer&#8217;s legal strategy in defending the Roundup cases. The company said last month that it would continue fighting the cases in court and had &#8220;no appetite to write humongous checks&#8221; to settle them.</p>
<p>In 2020, Bayer settled most of the then-pending Roundup cases for up to $9.6 billion but failed to get a settlement covering future cases. More than 50,000 claims remain pending. </p>
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<br /><a href="">Source link </a></p><p>The post <a href="">Bayer wins latest Roundup cancer trial, ending losing streak By Reuters</a> first appeared on <a href="">Forex Trader Hub</a>.</p>

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