Bank of Japan offers to buy up to 750bn yen of 3-5 year JGBs, up from 725bn

<p>Reuters reporting that:</p><ul><li>
Bank of Japan widens range of 3-5 year bond buying, offering to buy
as much as 750 bln yen each time, up from 725 bln yen</li></ul><p>I think saying 'widens range' might be taken the wrong way – but the amount is boosted. </p><p>The BOJ decision is here:</p><ul><li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow" data-article-link="true">BOJ announce no change to yield curve control (YCC) and no monetary policy change</a></li></ul><p>USD/JPY all over the place but higher than going into the announcement </p><p>'</p>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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