Bank of England Governor Bailey says the UK outlook is worst I’ve seen

<p>UK Times with the report:</p><p>The Times is gated, but in brief:</p><ul><li>
Andrew Bailey, the governor of the Bank of England, has hit back at
critics who have claimed he has taken an “ultra pessimistic” view
of the UK economy.</li><li>This week, Bailey
painted an extremely dim picture of the UK economy, claiming that its
present potential growth trajectory is the “worst” he has seen in
his career.</li><li>“I’ve been
written up this week as being an ultra-pessimist, but I don’t see
it that way. I see it as a realist view,” Bailey told
Staffordshire’s Daily Focus newspaper.</li><li>Bailey added that in
order to revive the UK economy’s fortunes, policymakers must focus
on “getting our sleeves rolled-up and tackling the issues we face”.</li></ul>

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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