Analytics on Friday 24 April

<p>12:30 USD Orders for capital goods (excluding defense and aviation) </p>
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<p> The indicator reflects the value of orders received by manufacturers of capital goods (capital goods are durable goods used for the production of durable goods and services), implying large investments. Goods manufactured in the defense and aviation sectors of the US economy are not included in this indicator. A high result strengthens the USD. Previous indicator values: -0.9% (in February), + 1.0% (in January), -0.5% (in December). Forecast for March: -0.4%. Theoretically, the relative growth of the indicator has a positive effect on the dollar. However, the reaction of the market to its negative value may be negative for the dollar in the short term. Data worse than the previous value and forecast will also negatively affect dollar quotes.</p>

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