AI and the CEO – A Lot of Talk, Not a Lot of Action

<p>Earnings calls seem to have transformed into <a href="">artificial intelligence (AI</a>) pep rallies. If you're
not tossing around phrases like "<a href="">leverage</a> artificial intelligence," are you even a CEO? But,
it turns out that AI adoption is taking longer than predicted.</p><p>Name Dropping</p><p><a href="">Analysis
by NBC News</a> has unveiled that around 50% of S&amp;P 500 earnings calls
since May have given a nod to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">artificial intelligence</a> (AI). That puts it shoulder-to-shoulder with hot
topics like interest rates and the Federal Reserve. It's the talk of the town,
but is anyone actually walking the walk?</p><p>Saying vs. Doing</p><p>Boasting about your AI-related plans is way trendier than actually doing
anything. But thankfully for CEOs late to the party, here's a revelation:
falling behind on the hype doesn't necessarily mean trailing in terms of true integration. </p><p>A recent <a href=",economic%20sectors%20(Figure%201).">US
Census Bureau survey</a> spilled the beans, revealing that a mere 3.8% of
businesses are actively using AI for their goods or services. Some industries,
like the "information" sector, are lapping others with 13.8% usage, while construction and hospitality are still grappling at 1.2% respectively.</p><p>The ideas are out there, they're just not being used:</p><blockquote><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Revolutionizing AI: ALAYA AI’s Vision for a Sustainable Community Business Ecosystem by Alaya AI Check here

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