US September PPI +2.2% vs +1.6% expected

<ul><li>Prior was +1.6% (revised to +2.0%)</li><li>Prices +0.5% m/m vs +0.3% expected</li><li>Ex food/energy +2.7% y/y vs +2.3% expected</li><li>Ex food/energy +0.2% vs +0.3% prior (revised to +0.2%)</li></ul><p>The US dollar rose around 20 pips on the headlines but has quickly retraced. Similarly, US 10-year yields rose 2 bps only to give it back.</p><p>Here are thoughts from BMO:</p><blockquote>Treasuries
continue to benefit from a flight-to-quality bid and there wasn't anything
within the PPI release that will offset that. Geopolitical uncertainty remains
the primary theme of the session and we're unwilling to fade that ahead of this
afternoon's 10-year auction and the FOMC meeting minutes. 10-year yields
reached as low as 4.54% and appear to be stabilizing just under 4.60% as
investors remain attuned to any further headlines and developments from the
Middle East. </blockquote>

This article was written by Adam Button at

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