US factory orders for August 1.2% versus 0.2% expected

<ul><li>Prior month -2.1%</li><li>Factory orders 1.2% versus 0.2% expected</li><li>Factory orders ex-transportation for August 1 .4% versus 0.9% last month (revised from 0.8%)</li><li>Durable goods order revised 0.1% versus 0.2% preliminary and -2.1% last month</li><li>Durable goods ex-defense -0.7% versus -0.7% preliminary. Last month -6.0%</li><li>Nondefense capital Ex-Air 0.9% versus 0.9% preliminary. Last month -0.4%</li><li>Durable goods ex transportation 0.4% vs 0.4% preliminary. Last .0 .1%</li></ul><p>Factory orders rebounded from the prior month's sharp decline, and has seen a sawtooth pattern over the last 3 months with big gains and losses. The last 12 months have seen 8 months with gains and 3 months with declines (there was 1 unchanged month).</p><p>The US dollar has moved higher, and yields have moved off their low levels. The Dow industrial average and S&amp;P index are now trading in negative territory and at session laws. The NASDAQ index is holding onto a 0.14% gain.</p>

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at

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