Technical Analysis & Forecast September 22, 2023

<div><img width="360" height="360" src="×360.jpg" class="attachment-thumbnail size-thumbnail wp-post-image" alt="Technical Analysis &amp; Forecast" decoding="async" style="margin-bottom: 15px;" loading="lazy" /></div><p><a href="" data-internallinksmanager029f6b8e52c="43" title="XAU/USD">Gold</a> May Experience a Correction Before a New Decline. This overview also encompasses the dynamics of <a href="" data-internallinksmanager029f6b8e52c="35" title="EUR/USD">EUR</a>, <a href="" data-internallinksmanager029f6b8e52c="36" title="GBP/USD">GBP</a>, <a href="" data-internallinksmanager029f6b8e52c="40" title="USD/JPY">JPY</a>, <a href="" data-internallinksmanager029f6b8e52c="39" title="USD/CHF">CHF</a>, <a href="" data-internallinksmanager029f6b8e52c="33" title="AUD/USD">AUD</a>, Brent, and the S&amp;P 500 index.</p>

<h2>EUR/USD (Euro vs US Dollar)</h2>

<figure><img decoding="async" width="1596" height="716" src="" alt="EUR/USD (Euro vs US Dollar)" class="wp-image-18062" srcset=" 1596w,×162.png 360w,×345.png 768w,×689.png 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 1596px) 100vw, 1596px" /><figcaption>EUR/USD (Euro vs US Dollar)</figcaption></figure><p>EUR/USD completed a downward wave to 1.0616. Today, the market might initiate a correction to 1.0686. After this correction, a new downward move to 1.0606 could follow, from where the <a title="&lt;div class=&quot;wpg-tooltip-content&quot;&gt;&lt;p&gt;A trend is a direction in which the market or the price of an instrument is moving. Trends can be upward, downward or sideways and are common to all types of markets.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/div&gt;" href="">trend</a> might extend to 1.0570.</p>

<h2>GBP/USD (Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar)</h2>

<figure><img decoding="async" width="1596" height="716" src="" alt="GBP/USD (Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar)" class="wp-image-18063" srcset=" 1596w,×162.png 360w,×345.png 768w,×689.png 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 1596px) 100vw, 1596px" /><figcaption>GBP/USD (Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar)</figcaption></figure><p>GBP/USD has concluded a downward wave to 1.2233. Today, the market could correct to 1.2310. After the correction, a new downward structure to 1.2190 might unfold.</p>

<h2>USD/JPY (US Dollar vs Japanese Yen)</h2>

<figure><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" width="1596" height="716" src="" alt="USD/JPY (US Dollar vs Japanese Yen)" class="wp-image-18064" srcset=" 1596w,×162.png 360w,×345.png 768w,×689.png 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 1596px) 100vw, 1596px" /><figcaption>USD/JPY (US Dollar vs Japanese Yen)</figcaption></figure><p>USD/JPY finished a corrective link at 147.31. Today, the market is shaping an upward wave to 148.38. A breakout of this range upwards could open potential for a rise to 149.44, the first target. After reaching this level, a new downward wave to 145.30 might commence.</p>

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<h2>USD/CHF (US Dollar vs Swiss Franc)</h2>

<figure><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" width="1596" height="716" src="" alt="USD/CHF (US Dollar vs Swiss Franc)" class="wp-image-18065" srcset=" 1596w,×162.png 360w,×345.png 768w,×689.png 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 1596px) 100vw, 1596px" /><figcaption>USD/CHF (US Dollar vs Swiss Franc)</figcaption></figure><p>USD/CHF concluded an upward wave to 0.9077. Today, the market corrected to 0.9020 and then rose to 0.9052. A consolidation range has practically formed at these levels. Breaking downwards from this range could introduce potential for a correction to 0.8915. Conversely, an upward breakout might lead to a growth link to 0.9100.</p>

<h2>AUD/USD (Australian Dollar vs US Dollar)</h2>

<figure><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" width="1596" height="716" src="" alt="AUD/USD (Australian Dollar vs US Dollar)" class="wp-image-18066" srcset=" 1596w,×162.png 360w,×345.png 768w,×689.png 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 1596px) 100vw, 1596px" /><figcaption>AUD/USD (Australian Dollar vs US Dollar)</figcaption></figure><p>AUD/USD completed a downward impulse to 0.6385. Today, a correction link to 0.6440 could materialize. Following this correction, a new downward wave to 0.6346 might unfold, and from there, the trend could proceed to 0.6315.</p>


<figure><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" width="1596" height="716" src="" alt="BRENT" class="wp-image-18067" srcset=" 1596w,×162.png 360w,×345.png 768w,×689.png 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 1596px) 100vw, 1596px" /><figcaption>BRENT</figcaption></figure><p>Brent has completed a correction to 91.41. A growth wave to 97.07 might manifest today. After reaching this level, a correction to 89.40 is not excluded, followed by a rise to 103.75, representing a local target.</p>

<h2>XAU/USD (Gold vs US Dollar)</h2>

<figure><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" width="1596" height="716" src="" alt="XAU/USD (Gold vs US Dollar)" class="wp-image-18068" srcset=" 1596w,×162.png 360w,×345.png 768w,×689.png 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 1596px) 100vw, 1596px" /><figcaption>XAU/USD (Gold vs US Dollar)</figcaption></figure><p>Gold is in the process of developing a downward wave to 1912.48. Following this level, a correction to 1930.09 might emerge. Subsequently, a new downward wave to 1894.77 might commence, representing a local target.</p>

<h2>S&amp;P 500</h2>

<figure><img decoding="async" loading="lazy" width="1596" height="716" src="" alt="S&amp;P 500" class="wp-image-18069" srcset=" 1596w,×162.png 360w,×345.png 768w,×689.png 1536w" sizes="(max-width: 1596px) 100vw, 1596px" /><figcaption>S&amp;P 500</figcaption></figure><p>The stock index has concluded a downward wave to 4326.9, constituting a local target. A consolidation range might form above this level today. An upward breakout could lead to a correction link to 4395.2 (with a test from below). Following this, a decline to 4270.3 might follow, representing the first target.</p>

<a href="">Open Trading Account</a></p><p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">Technical Analysis &amp; Forecast September 22, 2023</a> appeared first at <a rel="nofollow" href="">R Blog – RoboForex</a>.</p>

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