RBA Lowe: Things are moving in the right direction. Too early to declare victory

<p>Prepared remarks from RBA Gov. Lowe </p><ul><li>It is too early to declare victory on inflation, but things are moving in the right direction.</li><li>The board is mindful that interest rates have been increased by a large amount in a short period of time and that there are lags in the operation of policy.</li><li>The board remains resolute in its determination to return inflation to the 2-3 per cent target range.</li><li>Monetary policy is in restrictive territory and it is working to establish a better balance between supply and demand.</li><li>Our central forecast is for CPI inflation to be around 31/4 per cent by the end of next year and to be back within the 2-3 per cent target range by late 2025.</li><li>It is possible that some further tightening of monetary policy will be required to ensure that inflation returns to target within a reasonable timeframe.</li><li>Recent data indicate that there has been some easing in the labour market.</li><li>Whether or not this is the case will depend upon the data and the board's evolving assessment of the outlook and risks.</li><li>We expect employment to continue to grow, but below the rate of growth in the labour force.</li><li>It's encouraging that the recent data are consistent with inflation returning to target over the next couple of years.</li><li>The Australian economy is currently experiencing a period of below-trend growth and this is expected to continue for a while yet.</li><li>Data are also consistent with the Australian economy continuing to travel along that narrow path that I have spoken about.</li><li>The bank’s central scenario is that economic growth remains subdued for the rest of this year before gradually picking up to around 2 1/4 per cent by end 2025.</li><li>Dwelling investment is expected to increase again next year, after the recent difficulties in that sector.</li><li>Monetary policy is in restrictive territory.</li><li>Possible that some further tightening of monetary policy will be required.</li><li>Board is seeking to establish a credible path back to the inflation target over the next couple of years.</li><li>Board wants to have reasonable confidence that inflation will return to target over the current forecast period.</li><li>It is a complicated picture and there are scenarios in which consumption is weaker than our central case and others in which it is stronger.</li><li>Risk that services price inflation may stay high, prolonging the period of inflation being above target.</li><li>Board is seeking to establish a credible path back to the inflation target over the next couple of years to avoid a damaging shift in inflation expectations.</li></ul><p>The AUDUSD is trading in a very narrow trading range so far today. The range is only 5 pips. The average over the last 22 days (around a month) is 74 pips. The low today is holding onto the low from last week at 0.65136</p>

This article was written by Greg Michalowski at www.forexlive.com.

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