Interactive Brokers Brings Overnight Trading to 10K US Stocks and ETFs

Brokers, one of the largest electronic trading platforms in the world, has
expanded its overnight trading offering to include 10,000 stocks and
exchange-traded funds (ETFs) listed in the United States. With the expansion,
clients can now trade a wider range of US <a href="">equities</a> nearly 24 hours a day for
five days a week, the popular American brokerage reported in a statement.</p><p>Interactive
Brokers Taps Blue Ocean ATS</p><p>According
to Interactive Brokers, its overnight trading hours run from 8:00 pm ET to 3:50 am ET between
Sunday and Friday. The first session starts on Sunday at 8:00 pm ET and the last session is rounded off on Friday at
3:50 am ET. </p><p>Interactive
Brokers processes its clients’ trades through its own alternative trading
system (ATS), IBEOS ATS. However, to supplement the overnight trading <a href="">liquidity</a>
available on the proprietary ATS, the brokerage has partnered with Blue Ocean
Technologies, a provider of after-hours capital markets infrastructure. As a result of the collaboration, Interactive Brokers has additional liquidity from its relationship with Blue Ocean ATS.</p><p>Interactive Broker's overnight trading offering is available to the broker’s clients in several jurisdictions,
including those in Western and Central Europe, the UK, Canada, Australia and India.</p><p>Speaking about the move, Milan Galik, the Chief Executive Officer at Interactive Brokers,
emphasized the importance of overnight trading in providing ceaseless access to
investment opportunities. </p><p>“By
extending Overnight Trading to thousands of US stocks and ETFs, our global
clients have a greater choice of what and when to trade at almost any time,”
Galik explained. “When clients choose Overnight Trading to place an order, the
IB SmartRouting technology automatically routes the order to the optimal
Overnight Trading destination.”</p><p>Further, Brian
Hyndman, the CEO of Blue Ocean Technologies, praised Interactive
Broker’s global
reach and described the firm as ‘the perfect broker’ for the partnership. </p><p>“We are
pleased to collaborate with Interactive Brokers and help further our mission to
give investors the ability to trade US markets regardless of their time zone,”
Hyndman added.</p><p>Interactive
Broker’s latest offering shows increasing interest among online brokerages to
expand their offering beyond regular trading hours. Earlier this month, Israel-based
eToro offered its users an <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">additional three hours on a daily basis</a> to trade a different set of contracts for difference (CFD) stocks. It noted that the extended
hours give its clients the opportunity to act on out-of-hours events, such as
earnings reports or significant macroeconomic events. </p><p>In 2021, ThinkMarkets <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">started offering all-day-long crypto CFD trading</a> on its platform, which included the weekend.</p><p>Growth in
Europe and Asia</p><p>This week,
Interactive Brokers, whose client base recently <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">jumped 19% </a>year-over-year to 2.29 million,
<a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">integrated with
Darwinex</a>, a
UK-based retail broker and asset manager. The brokerage has also made a
number of strategic moves in
recent months. </p><p>In June,
the broker, which offers access to over 150 markets, started
providing its clients with access to investment <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">opportunities
in Danish and Czech stocks</a>. Earlier in February, the brokerage <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">launched algo trading</a> in Taiwan; it started offering <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">crypto trading in Hong
Kong</a>; and it <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">introduced shares
lending</a> to
Australian investors. </p><p>Volumes on eToro charts; Nomura's new eFX head; <a href="" target="_blank" rel="follow">read today's news nuggets</a>.</p>

This article was written by Solomon Oladipupo at

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